The post holder is required to: *Be aware of their role in the departmental and organisational structure. *Prioritise own time and workload to ensure priorities are met and quality is not compromised *Participate in the training, supervision and mentorship of junior colleagues and student midwives *Within the multi-professional team, lead co-ordination of implementation and development of antenatal and newborn screening programmes consistent with new standards, guidance and research. *Taking into account national standards, the needs of the service and the training needs of the individual practitioners, facilitates a robust programme of education and training with regard to antenatal and newborn screening across the multidisciplinary team. *Maintain and support the infection control strategy of the trust and therefore aid in achieving the Health Care Commission standards in relation to the reduction of Health Care Acquired Infection *Be experts in the provision and facilitation of antenatal and newborn screening *Provide and facilitate the care of women/ birthing people with complex needs in partnership with the multidisciplinary team *Plan and implement individualised care whilst advocating for women/ birthing people where necessary *Recognise, risk assess and report any deviation from the normal involving appropriate staff/teams. *Take appropriate action in emergency situations and decide on the best course of action/treatment according to local policy. *To monitor, audit and maintain quality assurance standards within the department. *To evaluate the effectiveness of screening programmes at local level, reporting to the trust board, QA and programme board. *Co-ordinate data collection processes to inform the requirements of key performance indicator data collection and other local, regional and national audit and monitoring processes. Each midwife is personally responsible and accountable for the care she/he gives to women/ birthing people and their babies thus maintaining autonomous contemporaneous practice. The post holder is required to: *Provide advanced and comprehensive maternity assessment based on specialist knowledge and experience in all aspects of antenatal and newborn screening. *Counsel and support women/ birthing people and their families in their choices regarding screening and the potential outcomes. *To co-ordinate the follow up care and counselling of women/birthing people and their families following a high chance or positive result. *To co-ordinate the care of a woman following an abnormal Amniocentesis or Chorionic villus sampling result, liaising with other healthcare professionals and outside agencies as appropriate. Ensuring that the needs and wishes of the woman/ birthing people are respected and fulfilled at all times. *Support and assist other health care professionals in the delivery of the NHS antenatal and newborn screening programmes. *To support and deliver a high-quality bereavement support service to women/ birthing people and families following pregnancy loss, baby death or maternal death within maternity, neonatal and gynaecology services. *Lead and support staff, setting standards of care in the provision of information and practical advice to parents experiencing termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality, stillbirth, neonatal death and maternal death. *Work as part of the multi-disciplinary team to coordinate individualised care respecting patient's wishes, including fetal medicine unit, palliative care team or hospice. *Offer support with specialist memory making for families. *Refer to departmental guidelines, as well as local and national policies whilst planning and implementing evidence based, safe, holistic care for the woman and her baby *Maintain effective relations with the multidisciplinary team to reassess, and evaluate care plans and promptly act to implement these changes *Take into consideration the needs of women/ birthing person as reported to the Trust through friends and family feedback *Comply with the local trust documentation requirements (Maternity Records and IT systems) to ensure that records are maintained to reflect the care, treatment, advice and tests provided. *Engage in any internal quality assurance and patient safety activities such as audits and incident reporting, whilst encouraging others to do the same. *Monitor the quality of work in own area and service and address quality issues and respond to learning incidents accordingly. *Initiate and lead on service improvements relating to maternity screening programme at SFT. *Be responsible for the updating of clinical guidance relating to screening pathways and services within the trust *Have an awareness of research activity that is happening within the department and contribute to this research when appropriate; be aware of new research and evidence-based practice that could enhance the patient experience and patient care. *Use trust resources / equipment with care, effectively and encourages others to do the same *Ensure that stock levels and equipment are maintained adequately *Develop awareness of finance and budgeting and to ensure effective management of available resources. *Maintain professional registration. *Works within the limit of own competence and area of responsibility and accountability. *Work within the NMC Code and Standards of proficiency for midwives. *Lead the development of the antenatal and newborn screening programmes and acts as a change agent. *To assist in managing antenatal & newborn screening clinical governance issues by identifying and reporting risks or adverse events arising from the screening programmes in accordance with the policies and acts to manage them accordingly. *Regularly attend and participate in ward and unit meetings *Regularly attend regional and national forums for antenatal and newborn screening and bereavement within maternity. *Actively participate in the revision of clinical guidelines *To provide effective clinical leadership and support all midwives, neonatal nurses and students in relation to screening care. *Act up for others as required. *Participate in an on-call rota as required to provide a 24-hour midwifery service. *Line-manage a defined group of staff in the antenatal clinic area and the wider maternity service *Participate in the appraisal system for self and others *Supports and promotes equality, diversity and the rights of the woman/birthing people, the public and colleagues within the health care environment. *Leads on the development and implementation of clinical audits, ensuring that the findings are disseminated, acted on accordingly and good practice is shared across the trust and beyond. *To ensure data is recorded accurately and timely into maternity records and IT systems entered. *Have oversight and leadership of updating and maintaining information databases & screening systems. *To maintain accurate documentation / record keeping for women/ birthing people and their families, including ensuring follow up for investigation results. *To assist with the development and maintenance of appropriate documentation systems for the programme. *Maintaining confidentiality. *Sharing information only when essential. *To attend the Local Antenatal Screening Co-ordinator's forum on a quarterly basis. *Attend external training/forums run by QA/PHE. *To actively participate in quality assurance, feeding back through governance structure after implementing learning outcomes from incidents raised, ensuring a mechanism is in place to enable parents to feedback their experience into this process. *To actively participate in forums and meetings in relation to the role as required and partnership working with external agencies including the Registrar of Births and Deaths, the Coroner, Primary Care team, Hospital Chaplaincy, Mortuary staff and other local and national counselling and support organisations such as SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society). *To comply with the requirements of the current perinatal surveillance data collection schemes MBBRACE-UK and CDOP and the review process i.e. PMRT, MNSI, ensuring that accurate data, reports and documents are completed and forwarded in a timely manner. *Attend de-brief meetings to support the parents and support staff. *Act as a role model for midwifery practice to all midwifery staff within the care group. *Act on, investigate and report complaints, incidents and accidents to the Maternity Matron. *Work collaboratively with other professional groups to maximise development opportunities and inter-professional learning opportunities. *Maximise opportunities to share good practices and innovations with colleagues locally and nationally. *To work a clinical shift on freya/labour ward per month to support the maternity rota and to maintain midwifery skills and experience *Follow NMC guidance on professional Duty of Candour. *Facilitate and support the implementation of national and local quality initiatives to improve service delivery e.g. National Bereavement Care Pathway and Maternity Experience Bereavement Measure, Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle, Maternity Improvement Plan and Independent Maternity Review recommendations and Maternity Incentive Scheme.