Join to apply for the Flow Coordinator role at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT.
This is a 6 month temporary opportunity.
Key Responsibilities
1. Contribute to the development of departmental policies, procedures and guidelines.
2. Maintain a professional appearance in line with the Trust dress code.
3. Uphold the Trust's values and behaviours and behave in a manner fitting with the responsible position of the post holder.
4. Maintain professional and courteous working relationships with staff and respect the equality and diversity of each person.
5. Uphold the privacy and dignity of patients at all times.
6. Maintain professional credibility by liaising and involving Ward/Team Managers.
7. Provide leadership to promote patient flow and operational agenda.
Monitoring Patient Flow and Discharge Process
1. In liaison with colleagues in the crisis hub, support the gatekeeping/assessment of potential admissions.
2. Ensure explicit agreement is gained with ward teams regarding discharge plans and coordinated dates of discharge.
3. Challenge the estimated date of discharge (EDD) on ward areas and actively manage escalation to the responsible Ward Manager.
4. Maintain effective personal contact with patients, relatives and carers, being sensitive to their clinical needs.
Clinical Leadership
1. Liaise with ward managers and other Flow Coordinators to identify patient bed allocation.
2. Liaise with other hospital Trusts to appropriately repatriate patients.
3. Instigate the escalation plan when acute inpatients are at or nearing capacity.
Quality and Clinical Governance
1. Create a culture which recognises and works in partnership with ward and department teams.
2. Report where breaches in the dignity agenda have occurred.
Management and Organisational Leadership
1. Participate and lead bed meetings, gathering appropriate concise information.
2. Complete the daily metrics to inform senior colleagues of the bed position.
Resources and Finance
1. Ensure proper use of the Trust's resources.
Personal Responsibilities
1. Take reasonable care for oneself and others.
2. Report any accident, incident or loss according to Trust policies.
Staff Development, Training and Education
1. Undertake mandatory training and keep this training up to date.
2. Have an appraisal of performance each year and agree a development plan with their manager.
Health and Safety
1. Work in accordance with Health and Safety regulations at all times.
2. Report any incidents of breaches of Health and Safety.
Additional Responsibilities
1. Responsible for other duties within the general scope of the post.
2. Comfortable in the use of computer technology.