TheTrustisseekingaConsultantPsychiatristto work as part of the inpatient team at Clock View Hospital, Liverpool. The post is a newly created post, which will be available due to the reconfiguration of the medical model at Clock View Hospital.The post will be one of four general adult inpatient Consultants at Clock View Hospital. The post holder would be responsible for 17 patients on Dee ward, which is a female acute ward.
Clock View Hospital is a purpose built adult mental health facility based in Walton, Liverpool opened in 2015. There are 3 acute adult wards namely: Alt (mixed ward), Dee (female), and Morris (male). Clock view also houses Newton ward which is a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and an old age ward, Irwell.
The post currently attracts a 10% R&R payment which will be reviewed next year.
· Consultant psychiatrist responsibility for 17 patients on Dee ward.
· Carry out comprehensive psychiatric assessments and provide treatment for inpatients.
· Support staff to manage psychiatric emergencies.
· Conduct patient reviews and lead multidisciplinary ward reviews, CPA reviews and multi-professional meetings.
· To be the responsible clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) and carry out duties in accordance with the code of practice.
· To provide verbal and written evidence to Mental Health Review Tribunals and Hospital Manager’s hearings.
· To carry out comprehensive Risk Assessments and participate in Trust’s risk management processes such as Health Risk Assessment and Management and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement Meetings.
· To provide medical leadership to the team.
· Liaise with carers.
· To maintain effective communication with other services.
· Provide clinical/educational supervision to junior colleagues.
Mersey Care is one of the largest trusts providing physical health and mental health services in the North West, serving more than 1.4 million people across our region and are also commissioned for services that cover the North West, North Wales and the Midlands.
We offer specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disability, addiction and brain injury services. Mersey Care is one of only three trusts in the UK that offer high secure mental health facilities.
At the heart of all we do is our commitment to ‘perfect care’ – care that is safe, effective, positively experienced, timely, equitable and efficient. We support our staff to do the best job they can and work alongside service users, their families, and carers to design and develop future services together. We’re currently delivering a programme of organisational and service transformation to significantly improve the quality of the services we provide and safely reduce cost as we do so.
Flexible working requests will be considered for all roles.
· Consultant psychiatrist responsibility for 17 patients on Dee ward.
· Carry out comprehensive psychiatric assessments and provide treatment for inpatients.
· Support ward based staff to manage psychiatric emergencies.
· Conduct patient reviews and lead multidisciplinary ward reviews, CPA reviews and multi-professional meetings.
· To be the responsible clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) and carry out duties in accordance with the code of practice.
· To provide verbal and written evidence to Mental Health Review Tribunals and Hospital Manager’s hearings.
· To carry out comprehensive Risk Assessments and participate in Trust’s risk management processes such as Health Risk Assessment and Management Meetings (H-RAMM) and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA) Meetings.
· To provide medical leadership to the inpatient team.
· Liaise with families / carers.
· Liaise with aspects of the Criminal Justice System regarding patients.
· Liaise with other stakeholders and interested parties.
· The post holder will be expected to maintain effective communication with other services, including in-patient and community mental health teams, and primary care.
· Provide clinical/educational supervision to junior colleagues.
· The post holder would be expected to be approved as a Responsible Clinician or be willing to undertake training to obtain Section 12(2) MHA and will be expected to renew this approval according to agreedprocedures.
· Participation in undergraduate and postgraduate clinicalteaching.
· Participation in the training of otherdisciplines.
· Providing educational supervision of trainees and otherdisciplines.
· Taking part in continuing medical education within statutorylimits.
· Leads and manages a team in a way that supports the development of a culture of continuous improvement andlearning.
This advert closes on Sunday 6 Apr 2025