PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FULL DUTIES OF THE ROLE This role is a generic and flexible role designed to work across Hotel Services specifically: Laundry to complete linen deliveries (Hours currently between 05.30-13.30) Transport to provide a courier service to various location across Tyne & Wear (Hours currently between 07.30-15.30) Drive Company vehicle delivering and collecting mail, samples and patient notes etc. To provide an effective and efficient transport service which delivers and collects such items as post, medical records, lab stores, sterile supplies, furniture, computer and office equipment and transportation of staff and patients. Ensure delivery of urgent appointment letter/ cancellations and drugs, prescriptions, medical gases and personal belongings to patients homes e.g. patients residence, Care Home, Residential Home Store and deliver linen to wards and departments. Be part of the linen team actively support linen colleagues adopting a flexible attitude and approach to work Be ready to change deliveries and collections to suit the linen service Be polite and courteous when delivering to clinical areas, supporting and assisting where necessary. The linen delivery and collection is the sole responsibility of the linen team