Our MASH service brings together a range of statutory and non-statutory resources involved in supporting and safeguarding the welfare of children in the City of Sheffield. We work together to provide the highest level of knowledge and analysis, ensuring that activity and intervention is timely, proportionate and necessary. In this role of Senior Fieldwork Manager, you will work as a key member of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub with the primary function of managing screening and responding to all new referrals into children’s social care. The Safeguarding Hub is the first point of contact for children, young people and families in need or in need of safeguarding within the City of Sheffield. You will also support the team in delivering high quality and effective services to children, young people, and their families/carers. Additionally, you will promote and safeguard the welfare of children who live in the city complying with relevant legislation and regulation, maintaining the highest professional standards and ensure the consistent application of the threshold to step up from early help to children’s social care. Applications for this exciting role are welcomed from qualified and registered experienced social workers with significant experience in statutory services who have strong communication, engagement and analytical skills to allow them to safeguard children & young people and engage effectively with a wide range of agencies. You will have a sound knowledge of relevant legislation and experience of working in a front line team with a thorough understanding of thresholds and universal services. You will ensure that you apply consistently high standards to ensure better outcomes for children and their families. You will be part of complex case decisions and offer reflective supervision providing professional support and guidance to your staff. We are committed to ensuring that vulnerable children and young people are effectively supported to reach their full potential, delivered through our effective early help and prevention services, and strong partnerships that ensure safeguarding remains the highest priority for children and young people in Sheffield. To help deliver our vision, we need experienced, self-motivated, innovative and creative social work professionals. You will need experience and skills in multi-agency partnership working across Children's Services and be able to promote co-operation, working together with other organisations and service users as the means of shaping, developing and delivering services The successful candidate will have access to: Excellent learning and development opportunities. Retention of continuous service benefits, for those moving from a local government post. A clear progression pathway. Tools and models to support practice, including Signs of Safety Reflective supervision Working in a fun and supportive environment Excellent continuing professional development opportunities Further information from Simone.Palmersheffield.gov.uk To apply please click the Apply Now link below.