An exciting opportunity to become an Operational Manager (localities) has become available within Cardiff Council’s Children’s Services.
This post forms part of the management team in children’s services which consists of number needed operational managers, all of whom have overall responsibility for the strategic and operational direction of the service area.
This is an exciting time to join our service which is striving to ensure that individuals, their family and communities are at the heart of everything we do.
We are continuing to develop a strengths-based, rights based approach, trauma informed practice and are in the process of realigning our services with local communities and key statutory partners.
Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi i ddod yn Rheolwr Gweithredol (lleol) yng Ngwasanaethau Plant Cyngor Caerdydd.
Mae’r swydd hon yn llunio rhan o’r tîm rheoli newydd yn y gwasanaethau plant sy’n cynnwys naw rheolwr gweithredol, ac mae gan bob un ohonynt gyfrifoldeb dros gyfarwyddyd strategol a gweithredol y gwasanaeth.
Dyma gyfnod cyffrous i ymuno â’n gwasanaeth sy’n ffynnu i sicrhau bod unigolion, eu teulu a chymunedau wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn.
Rydym yn parhau i ddatblygu dull seiliedig ar hawliau a chryfderau (Arwyddion Diogelwch), o ran ein harferion ac rydym yn y broses o alinio ein gwasanaethau gyda chymunedau lleol a phartneriaid statudol allweddol.