Embedding as a specialist social worker within the community maternity services to perform multiagency liaison work, offering easy-to-access expert advice. Working closely with Childrens Centres, charities and other third sector organisations to educate, improve access and outreach to local communities. This would include increased home visiting and the establishment of community satellite clinics and a move away from hospital-based services where possible. Regular targeted training programmes which will be disseminated and evaluated for a range of professionals. Direct work in complex cases with women booked for delivery at the local maternity hospital, providing comprehensive assessment, treatment, planning and review. Attendances at perinatal CPA meetings, to advise and ensure procedures are implemented. Supporting the establishment of peer support groups in the local community Supporting local antenatal classes to educate and promote positive mental health. Setting up a virtual perinatal team of champions/named professionals, using existing staff within CMHTs, Psychology/IAPT services, Midwifery teams, Health Visitor teams, CAMHs, Children & Families Social Services and GP services. This will raise awareness and improve the knowledge and skills of staff locally who work closely with this group of women, thus improving safety and quality of the care provided. Working closely with the existing Liaison Psychiatry Services and Mother and Baby Unit. Contributing to the development and dissemination of robust integrated CNWL /local Maternity Hospital perinatal care pathways and policies. Contributing to the on-going development and establishment of Community Perinatal Mental Health Services Attend and contribute specialist mental health knowledge at Child Protection Conferences, psychosocial meetings and birth planning meetings.