Education Working closely with the Lecturer Practitioners (LPs), Matrons, Divisional Lead for Education and Senior PDN, assist with the planning and promotion of an environment that encourages learning and sustains the personal and professional development of non-medical staff and students. Contribute to the identification of educational requirements. Assist with the planning, facilitation and evaluation of educational activities for all non-medical staff including students. Undertake an active role in the development and provision of educational programs, in particular the orientation, preceptorship and mentorship programmes for students and new members of staff. Provide safe and sound advice and act as a resource for staff in aspects of emergency care including professional development, clinical skills, training requirements and opportunities. Facilitate competency assessment and evaluation across the departments. In conjunction with the LPs and Senior PDN, provide support with student placements and allocations. Provide assistance for staff and mentors, including the provision of mentorship updates, guidance with documentation, participation in assessment, identification of learning opportunities and escalation of queries and concerns. Develop clinical skills and knowledge for all non-medical staff with the provision of bedside and classroom teaching, supervision and support. Assist with the development and evaluation of appropriate learning materials for both the clinical and educational environments Contribute to Divisional and Trust-wide clinical practice development and education meetings, reporting back to colleagues and Matrons as appropriate. Maintain mandatory training requirements and act as a resource and role model for other staff with regard to their mandatory training needs. Maintains secure and accurate records of assessments, competence and training. Generate commitment, enthusiasm and motivation to a culture of learning and development to self and others. Clinical Practice Demonstrates a high level of knowledge, skill and understanding of clinical practice. Assess plan and evaluate care for a designated group of patients, acting as a credible role model to all staff. Undertake a range of clinical skills according to best evidence, trust policies and procedures e.g. drugs administration, dressings etc. Actively work in partnership with patient/families/ users of the service. Work independently and within a team structure. Ensure that accurate and comprehensive records are kept. Demonstrate competency in use of information technology resources (EPR) and promoting the skills amongst staff. To maintain patient confidentiality at all times. Act as a patient advocate ensuring that patients views and opinions are taken into account when planning care within a multidisciplinary context. Co-ordinate the continuing provision of patient care. Adhere to the Nursing & Midwifery Council The Code (2015) and associated professional regulations and guidelines. Contribute to the development of professional nursing practice policy/guidelines within the unit or speciality, demonstrating commitment to sharing expertise and dissemination of best practice information. Demonstrate a practice based learning approach, working alongside staff providing support and education, promoting a learning environment and developing staff. To provide clinical teaching as required. Leadership and Management Contribute to key clinical area, team developments and project work within Emergency Care. To work collaboratively with other departments within trust in order to develop service delivery. Work in conjunction with the Matron, LPs and Senior PDN to develop an education strategy driven by clinical need. Act as a role model and resource in expert, clinical evidence based practice. To contribute to the development of Emergency Care services. Be involved in clinical governance forums, pathways and strategies in order to secure quality improvement. Provide support and pastoral care to staff and students in the clinical environment Have a sound knowledge of Local and National Health policy issues and their impact upon Emergency Care. Develop and maintain high standards of clinical practice within the clinical area. Contribute to recruitment and retention initiatives within the trust. Contribute to audit and research and development appropriate to clinical area and education.