Health Care Assistant Undertake record and follow guidelines for the tasks for which you have received appropriate training. Urinalysis and preparation of specimens for investigations by the pathology laboratory. Measuring and recording following physiological measurements in routine presentations: Blood Pressure Pulse Rate and Rhythm Temperature Height and Weight Body Mass Index Visual Acuity Venepuncture ECG Prepare and maintain environments and equipment before, during and after patient care interventions. Assist in raising awareness of health and wellbeing, how it can be promoted.
Give accurate and appropriate information to patients and groups within own competence. Support and monitor patients during nebulisation therapy. Ear syringing in accordance with local and NICE guidelines. When trained, administer flu vaccinations.
Ensure all clinical rooms are adequately stocked and prepared for each session Ensure fridges are cleaned routinely in accordance with extant guidance Ensure clinical waste is removed from clinical areas and sharps bins replaced in accordance with the organisations IPC policy Deliver opportunistic health promotion where appropriate