Administration: Outcome of GTT (Glucose Tolerance Tests on Careflow Adding/Changing and cancelling appointments on Careflow - Saturdays as no Admin team Booking Interpreters Booking Pre-Op appointments on Careflow Printing next days clinic lists Booking follow-up blood tests on Careflow Printing blood forms for the next day Referring new GDM (Gestational Diabetes) patients to the diabetes team - via email daily Checking the ANC (antenatal clinic) email inbox and book GTT's, presentation scans and inform patients/clients of appointments made. Booking LSCS (cesarean sections) and IOL's (induction of labour) and put on ANC calendars and CMW (community midwives) calendars. Preparing Saturday clinics on Friday's, printing GTT lists and blood forms. Answering phone for midwife in ANC and relaying messages. Clinical: Blood Pressure, Urine and CO2 (carbon monoxide) monitoring - including documentation of results/findings. Chaperoning in Clinics. Venepuncture. Performing GGT's on a Saturday. Non-Clinical: Cleaning waiting room and stocking water cups etc. Unlock and open clinic rooms, clean and stock, update signage. Clean and set up BP monitors. Clean and stock portable blood taking boxes. Unpack stores deliveries. Prepare Pre-Op packs. Daily-Tendable and MSSW - including room temperature recordings. Cleaning and tidying clinic rooms at the end of each clinic. Collecting provisions from obstetric unit, level 12 and 13 as required. Orientate new MSW's. Input GTT's on to Badgernet. Go to OPD (outpatients department) daily and deliver/collect GTT sheets. Stock GTT box. Escalating to porters to collect blood samples for transport to pathology labs. Refer jobs to estates as required. Do Datix reporting (safety incident reports) as required. Escalate to cleaners as needed. Train to be a Fire Warden and undertake role as needed.