Job Purpose: The purpose of this role is to extend EMHP and CWP low intensity clinical skillset in response to feedback on the needs of children, young people and families in educational and community settings, provide opportunities for career progression and increase the services supervision capacity. Key Responsibilities: For Service Users To hold a caseload of 6 to 8 including cases of higher complexity. A group is equivalent to two individual cases. To work co-operatively with other professionals in childrens services, health agencies and other community-based services, including managing relationships with schools and attendance of internal and external meetings. To apply safeguarding and child protection procedures and to report as necessary. To keep up to date with safeguarding policies and procedures within ABL, schools and Swindon Borough Council (Safeguarding Protecting Children Policy, Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy, Safeguarding Digital and Online Working for Staff and Volunteers Policy, Parental Consent to Receive Service Policy). For Advice and/or Service Development/Leadership To attend and contribute to relevant meetings as identified by management. To advise on and/or lead practice in areas of service-and cluster specialism. To develop and evaluate existing and new areas of specialism within the cluster/service. These may change subject to available contracts, funding or internal service restructuring. For Resources To be responsible for any equipment/resources linked to service delivery. To be responsible for case recording, report writing (to include reports for external agencies, e.g. courts, and complex management reports) and producing and keeping management information. To be responsible for the requisition of resources needed by staff managed. For People (Staff, Students, Volunteers) Learn to use the areas of external systems relevant to line management (Sharepoint, Datix, IAPTUS) The senior practitioner may have line management responsibility for up to 4 staff subject to service need and restructuring, students and volunteers, including induction, PDRs, work allocation, job planning, day to day supervision and support. This number may change subject to service requirements. Case Management and clinical skills supervision of up to 4 supervisees. This number may change subject to service requirements. Read and keep up to date with relevant ABL policies and procedures. For Health and Safety To promote, monitor and maintain health safety and security in the working environment including general and Covid-specific risk assessments. Training MASH Open Day Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Child Protection level 3 Any other relevant training as identified by management.