The post holder will act as a member of the multidisciplinary team providing comprehensive care for patients with Advanced Kidney Disease (AKD) who are approaching the need for Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) and work towards achieving and maintaining British Renal Association and NICE Standards relating to preparation for RRT.
As a specialist nurse the post holder is responsible for providing specialist knowledge, advice, support and care to patients, carers and other health professionals relating to AKD. The post holder will act as a point of contact for individuals who need to access the specialist service and will provide advice and ongoing support to them and also to colleagues within and external to the service and trust as required
The Low Clearance Specialist Nurse is responsible for the co-ordination of the patients care and journey which includes:
• Education and counselling of patients about progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) to enable them to make any modifiable lifestyle changes to slow progression and equip them to share in the management of their health for the future
• Education and counselling of patients regarding renal transplantation (where medically appropriate), all forms of dialysis in all settings - (home/hospital/satellite/shared care) and conservative care
• Promoting Shared decision-making by patients and health care professionals about treatment for AKD using evidence based aids
• Education about self-management of AKD
• Ensuring access to both living and deceased donor kidney transplantation prior to dialysis where possible
• Timely establishment of vascular or peritoneal access
• Timely initiation of dialysis either by peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis in the setting chosen by patient
• Ensure patients vaccinated against hepatitis B virus through appropriate referral pathway
The Humber Health Partnership is one of the largest acute and community Partnership arrangements in the NHS, seeing well over one million patients every year and managing a budget of over £1.3 billion.
Made up of two Trusts - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) - our Partnership has significant ambitions and is committed to delivering world-class hospital and community services for the 1.65 million people we serve.
Together we employ nearly 20,000 staff. Our five main hospital sites are Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole and District Hospital, for NLAG and Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital for HUTH.
As Teaching Hospitals working with the Hull York Medical School, we both lead and contribute to research in many areas - biomedical research, primary care, palliative medicine, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, vascular surgery, cancer surgery and oncology.
We believe that by developing a diverse, inclusive, innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver excellent care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Partnership and our community.
• Proactively supports patients and carers in understanding their condition, providing ongoing support and information about treatment options available for their AKD.
• Ensures information is conveyed to the patient in a timely and understandable manner, using different communication methods to clarify understanding
• Ensures effective communication is maintained between members of the multi disciplinary team to ensure appropriate individuals are informed of changes to the patients condition or treatment plan.
• Ensure all staff have access to up to date AKD related literature and information.
• To participate in educational events/ in service training to maximise opportunities for staff to learn about AKD.
• Develop, foster and maintain effective relationships internal and external to the Trust, especially community teams.
• Develop external networks with peers to share good practice.
• With support of clinical lead develop specialist knowledge and expertise to assess, plan and implement care interventions for patients.• Uses expertise and protocols to recommend adjustments / amendments to treatment plans, in consultation with patients to members of the multi professional team.
• Maintains up to date knowledge in the specialist field, using information to affect change in practice, and ensuring the effective dissemination of new knowledge.
• Responsible for interpreting new knowledge, to ensure that practice is up to date, and in line with current thinking. The post holder is responsible for implementing new knowledge/practice in relation to specialist area.
• Provide specialist advice to patients and their families on treatments and options available to them.
• Work with other key members of MDT to promote an environment conducive to high morale and staff development.
• With support gain enhanced clinical skills
• Participate in the education and training of internal and external health professionals
• Contribute at a local and national level to present achievements and developments within the service.
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Feb 2025