As part of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside safeguarding function, the Designated Professional Safeguarding Adults will fulfil the following key functions: Strategic oversight for health safeguarding in Cheshire West Place. Demonstrate expertise and be embedded in the clinical decision-making of the organization alongside the Local Authority Work within local health economies to influence local thinking and practice and the capacity to do so. Support the Safeguarding Adults agenda across and on behalf of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside. Support the wider adults at risk agenda, relating to people who do not meet Care Act eligibility for safeguarding, in terms of advising commissioners, stakeholders and partners around pathways and initiatives for long term prevention strategies and risk management for groups of high-risk service users, such as those who are homeless, self-neglect and frequently use services. Work closely with members of the Cheshire & Merseyside ICB Safeguarding Teams across neighbouring Places, to share learning, provide sharing of best practice and peer supervision Be responsible for developing the evidence base and performance information to support the Cheshire West Place Associate Director of Quality and Safety Improvement to provide assurance to the ICB Quality & Performance Committee that NHS commissioned services are discharging their safeguarding responsibilities effectively. Work as part of and in conjunction with the wider Quality and Safety Team to ensure that services are safe, risks are reduced, assurances are received, and prevention is key where adults at risk access services. Continually ensure improvements in quality and arrangements for safeguarding adults at risk, in partnership with a range of agencies and services. Enabling and ensuring that the ICB complies with the statutory legislation and guidance that underpins Safeguarding Adults.Provide input to system oversight for safeguarding when there are serious safeguarding concerns. Responsible for providing expertise, professional leadership, advice, support, and expert guidance in respect of safeguarding, adults, Domestic Abuse, Mental Capacity Act (MCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards / Liberty Protection Safeguards, knife crime, modern slavery and the Prevent agenda to the Cheshire West health economy. In particular within NHS and independent hospitals, residential and nursing care home settings, General Practice, as well as throughout community settings and will work closely with the relevant Local Authorities at place to seek assurance that the protection of adults at risk of abuse is achieved. Work with providers of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB commissioned services to ensure that adults at risk are safe and supporting the development and implementation of a cohesive, organisation wide adult safeguarding strategy which reflects national policy, local guidance, and best practice. Communicate and provide highly complex information regarding safeguarding across the health economy to a range of internal and external stakeholders, including presenting highly complex information about projects, initiatives, and services to a formal setting such as the Adult Safeguarding Boards. Work with Local Safeguarding Adults Boards to ensure communication and governance processes are in place between the ICB and Local Authorities Ensure all services commissioned to deliver NHS funded care provide a comprehensive service to safeguard adults at risk, through provision of informed and evidence-based advice and training and through supervision services for all professional disciplines across Cheshire West Place.