Accept referrals via agreed protocols within the service. This is likely to include trauma focussed work. To provide evidence based psychological assessment, formulation and interventions for people referred to the team based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources including psychological tests, self-report measures, rating scales, direct and indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with individuals, family members and others involved in the individuals care. To formulate and implement plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or management of an individuals physical and psychological problems, and risk to self and others, based upon an appropriate conceptual framework of the individuals problems, and employing methods based upon evidence of efficacy, across the full range of care settings. To provide brief psychological group or individual interventions for individuals, carers, families and groups, adjusting and refining psychological formulations drawing upon different explanatory models and maintaining a number of provisional hypotheses. To evaluate and make decisions about treatment options taking into account both theoretical and therapeutic models and highly complex factors concerning historical and developmental processes that have shaped the individual, family or group. To communicate to people in a highly skilled and sensitive manner, information concerning the assessment, including formulations of the individuals difficulties and the basis for treatment recommendations.