The team operates from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. We support good work/life balance and promote hybrid working. Professional meetings, telephone contacts and administration work can be completed remotely but we require office attendance to cover duty work and face to face appointments for the service users. You will be part of a highly performing multidisciplinary team of clinicians with strongly embedded values of working together. Our team consists of psychiatrists, a psychologist, a CAT therapist, a Clinical Assistant Psychologist, an OT, mental health nurses and two assistant practitioners. We are diverse in background, profession, and experience. In March 2023 the team achieved national accreditation with the Royal College of Psychiatrists in recognition of the high quality of care it provides for service users and their carers. You will be responsible for managing a caseload, assessing and planning treatment for your patients. You will work with the patient and any carers to plan care and optimise treatment plans. You will feed back to the MDT and work within the team for the best outcome for the patient. We are a kind and supportive team and will fully support you in this busy and demanding role. **Previous Applicants Need Not Apply**