About The Post: Hours are part to full time and will be agreed with the successful candidate 25 days FTE Annual Leave per year + 8 days Statutory Leave Days (pro rata) Salary commensurate with experience The practice nurse is responsible for providing nursing services to the practice population, within the boundaries of the role. Supporting patients to be healthy, monitor patients with long-term conditions and deliver health prevention, promotion and screening activities. This will include but is not limited to assessing patients; planning and implementing treatment protocols; and reviewing and tracking progress. The practice nurse will work collaboratively with the practice team, performing tasks as required by the management team, within the practices policy and procedures, and to a defined set of competencies Key responsibilities in detail Clinical Caring for patients Implement and evaluate treatment plans for patients with long-term conditions Long-term disease management, dependent on skills and experience: Running asthma/COPD clinics and supporting patients (including inhaler and nebuliser use and care) Managing chronic heart disease Managing hypertension Running diabetes clinics and supporting patients Other chronic disease management/QOF activities Support and advise patients in managing their own disease Identify and manage treatment plans for patients at risk of long-term conditions Appropriately support patients in complex, urgent or emergency situations, and initiate emergency care as required Support and encourage patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle Give advice on prescribed or over-the-counter medications Support and advise women with family planning needs, including contraception and safe sex advice Carry out, support and advise women with regards to cervical smear tests Support and advise men with health/lifestyle advice and appropriate referrals Support and refer patients with mental health needs Conduct new patient health checks (delivering opportunistic health promotion at the same time) Carry out testing/screening, including (but not limited to): Urine testing/analysis Blood pressure measurement/monitoring ECG Take and test pathology samples from patients for analysis (blood, sputum, urine, etc.) Care for patients with uncomplicated wounds, including (but not limited to): Removal of sutures Wound cleaning and dressing Management of burns and scalds Management of minor injuries (sprains, bruising, cuts, etc.) Management of skin conditions and referral where necessary Implement and participate in vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults and children, including (but not limited to): Routine immunisations Pertussis immunisation for pregnant women Flu immunisation Pneumococcal immunisation Perform other clinical duties as required, within the scope of the practice nurses competencies and training There maybe an occassional requirement to undertake Home Visits