Under the direction of the Head of Information Governance, the Information Governance Manager will be responsible for leading aspects of the development of an IG Framework for EA and schools, including:
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Information Governance Framework
1. Support the IG Manager in the development and Implementation of an integrated Information Governance Framework including agreed organisational standards and a best practice approach to IG to ensure the highest levels of compliance with the relevant IG related legislation.
2. Lead working groups under the direction of the IG Manager to embed effective IG practice into all areas of EA’s business.
3. Contribute significantly under the direction of the IG Manager to the development and implementation of IG policies, procedures, processes and controls to ensure effective management of information assets to support business needs and meet legal, risk and operational requirements.
Records Management
4. As part of a comprehensive IG framework, support the IG Manager in the development and implementation of an overarching strategy including the relevant policies and procedures for effective management and archiving of manual and electronic records in line with best practice and established standards ensuring compliance with legislative requirements including:
5. Development and implementation of a File Management System for manual records.Working with ICT to develop and implement secure systems for the management of electronic records.Development and implementation of EA’s disposal schedule in line with legislative requirements.Development and maintenance of EA disposal and retention schedule including overseeing review and transfer of records to PRONI/disposal as appropriate.
EA and Schools’ Data Protection Officer (DPO) Service
Legislation requires that the EA and each school has a named DPO. The EA’s IG Team provides a DPO service within EA and to schools that wish to avail of such service. The responsibilities of the Information Governance Officer in this respect will include, as part of a comprehensive IG framework, to;
6. Provide professional advice and support to schools to ensure they have Data Protection policies, processes and systems in place to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act, the new GDPR and other relevant data protection laws.
7. Support the implementation of an ongoing programme of work to ensure compliance with the new GDPR within EA and schools.
8. Inform, advise and support EA staff and schools to ensure understanding of their responsibilities under GDPR.
9. Provide professional support, expert advice and guidance to EA staff and schools in relation data protection issues.
10. Manage data breaches and complaints relating to information governance.
11. Advise, assist and support EA staff and schools in the development of data sharing agreements and protocols with third party organisations and bodies as required.
12. Work with other business units to ensure best practice and standards promoting and supporting the establishment of privacy by design.
13. Provide professional support, expert advice and guidance to EA staff and schools in relation to Data Privacy Impact Assessments.
Freedom of Information
14. As part of a comprehensive IG framework, support the IG Manager in the development, implementation and maintenance of effective policies, processes and systems to ensure EA is compliant with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI).
15. Support EA staff and schools to ensure understanding of their responsibilities under FOI.
16. Provide professional support, advice and guidance to EA staff and schools in relation FOI issues.
Information Governance Training, Monitoring and Compliance
17. Support the IG Manager in the development and delivery of a comprehensive programme of IG support including best practice guidance, training and support materials for staff and schools to ensure they understand their obligations, relevant procedures and are equipped to meet the statutory requirements of GDPR, FOI and other IG related legislation.
18. Support the IG Manager in the development of effective procedures to regularly monitor compliance across EA against agreed standards as set out in the IG framework and support improvement actions where necessary.
Assembly Questions
19. Support the IG Manager in the development and implementation of procedures and systems for the management and recording of Assembly Questions ensuring timely and accurate responses to the Department of Education.
20. Monitor published responses to Assembly Questions and provide regular reports to the Information Governance Manager and Head of Communications.
Other Duties
21. Line manage a professional team of staff with operational responsibility for Freedom of Information, Data Protection, Records Management and Complaints.
22. Deputise for the IG Manager/EA DPO as appropriate.