1. To manage the effectiveness and efficiency of the designated specialties within the Division, ensuring therelevant standards are achieved. 2. To monitor the operational performance of the department, escalating issues where appropriate. Thismay involve the analysis and interpretation of complex facts or situations and may involve the comparisonof a range of options. 3. In collaboration with the Assistant General Manager, ensure all performance indicators and nationalstandards are achieved (e.g. RTT, DM01, Cancer Wait times and Time in ED) to deliver a high quality,effective service, where patient experience and patient safety is central. 4. Compile reports and statistical information in line with the Trusts reporting framework. 5. Provide detailed feedback of performance from a variety of information systems at Trust wide and monthlyperformance meetings. 6. To support with data entry and lead data validation. 7. To lead data quality assurance and manage appropriate databases. 8. To support the demand and capacity modelling process, ensuring all capacity is published 6 weeks inadvance. 9. To liaise with outpatients to ensure full utilisation of clinics and managing capacity. 10. To support the investigation of and response to patient complaints, which may be of a sensitive andcomplex nature. Please see the attached JD for further details.