Policy and service development Will propose and implement changes to working practices and procedures, policy or service changes which have an impact on own and other areas Organisation wide. Finance, equipment and other resources Be responsible for the designing and preparation the numerical aspects of the Trust's monthly expenditure on supporting medical devices from across trust wide revenue cost codes. This will include detailing all expenditure against Budget non-pay, other non-contract income and recovery of expenditure. This information will be used for decision making by the Senior leadership team, Executive team, Trust Board and senior budget holders throughout the Trust Provide a comprehensive and high-level senior finance support to the Finance Business Managers, Operational Finance Partners, the Assistant Director of Finance Business Support and Senior Operational Managers in the Trust in a way that both supports improving patient care and balances Trust financial objectives. The role will involve highly complex analytical work to support the Finance Business Managers with CIP and monthly I&E positions Be responsible for data used for re-costing of budgets during the budget setting process in connection with medical device and health science equipment contracts.. Be responsible for controlling and reporting the collective Trust forecasted financial position in relation to contract management of medical devices and health science equipment to the head of clinical engineering and other managers. Support the Assistant Director of CIP in the Trusts cost reduction and Productivity Improvement / Benchmarking program. This will include assisting with annual production, calculation and apportionment to service lines, of CIP budgets, and ongoing reporting to our Regulators and Commissioners. During the year they will run enquiries and financial and ledger reports, produce complex financial data / analysis / reports using both financial and non-financial data. Additionally, they will manage the monthly CIP delivery closedown process and feed results to the Assistant CIP Director. This will involve liaising with the Business Support team to ensure the timely transacting, reconciling of CIP delivery, thus ensuring accurate representation of CIP delivery progress. The production and delivery of these plans will be key to the financial viability of the Trust and progress will regularly need to be reported to the Trust Transformation & CIP Committee Will provide ad-hoc financial reports, analysis and costings to help support the Trusts Business Intelligence/Benchmarking program which supports the delivery of CIP in connection with medical device and health science equipment contracts. Will be required to provide highly complex financial information in connection with medical device and health science equipment contracts; for the Head of Service Clinical Engineering Service, Care Group Directors, PMO Project Manager, Assistant Director of Finance Business Support and Finance Business Manager Financial Planning as required for supporting NHSE/I analysis, strategic planning and budget setting Be required to be able to use the general ledger budgeting & forecasting systems and associated reporting tools to a high standard, thereby ensuring that best accounting practices are followed and maximum information is available to the Trust in connection with medical devices and health science equipment contracts.