3months contract with a LocalAuthority
* Managementof the strategic and operational processes relating to the ICTstrategy for Adult Social Care and HealthIntegration.
* Dayto day operational responsibility and development of the primarycase management systems (All Liquidlogic and OCC supplied modules)and other ICT solutions to assist with the integration of Healthand social care systems. Ensure all systems are fit for purpose forpractitioners and developments are managed to time cost and qualityconstraints.
* Supportand develop the Liquid logic and Orion Healthcare systems forapproximately 250 users across Adult Social Services and Healthpartners.
* AdultsSocial Care is constantly adapting and improving. New legislationgovernment guidance and initiatives mean there is pressure todeliver new technical recording solutions in a timely manneralongside ensuring the existing systems remain current as well asrobust in terms of data accuracy andsecurity.
* Thereis often a significant programme of projects which needs to beunderstood in terms of priority and complexity to make efficientuse of resources and to effectively align to Liquidlogic and OrionHealthcare annual road mapreleases.
* Thedevelopment of integrated system across health and social care ischallenging.
* Tobe responsible for the delivery of the ICT strategy for AdultSocial Care and ensure this is joined up with the widerdepartmental and corporate strategies for the London Borough ofBexley and Healthpartners.
* Todevelop a digital strategy for Adult Social Care and Health whichwill promote selfservice and processefficiencies.
* Toensure that all Adult Social Services electronicrecording systemsand the policies procedures and guidance that support them aredeveloped in line with national and local requirements andexpectations.
* To ensureinformation systems and processes comply with relevant legislationand local policies and procedures (e.g. Data Protection Act 1989Council policies on record retention and datasecurity).
* Tomanage contractual relationships with ICT system suppliers andliaise with the ICT Client Unit ensuring value for money for theCouncil.
* To promote theeffective use of ICT to support performance monitoring formanagers.
* To ensure staffhave appropriate training and support to use Adult Social Care casemanagementsystems.
* Totake responsibility for specific budgets (capital and revenue asappropriate).
* Releasemanagement of all supplier case management systemsupgrades.
* Provide Projectand Change Management to all other ICT related projects directed byadult social Services in particular related to health integrationspecifically Connect Care South East London OHSEL group and relatedprojects.
* Identify and/oradvise Adult Social Care on required system enhancements submitchange requests negotiate on cost (sometimes collaborating withother Local Authorities) and provide necessary supportingdocumentation to suppliers to schedule and coordinate systemdevelopments.
* Attendand contribute to supplier user groups and focus groupsperiodically throughout the year at supplier sites and venues.Provide feedback and inform local ICTstrategy.
* AttendSenior Management Team and Team Meetings to provide advice on AdultSocial Care ICT strategy andproject.
* Liaisewith Policy and Performance Team to assist them in the productionof all local and statutory reporting by providing social carepractice application and systems administrationknowledge.
* Tokeep under review and develop the structures procedures and workingmethods for which the post holder is responsible to ensure anintegrated effective and efficient approach to the delivery ofservices.
* Toensure that working practices and processes are developed thatmaximise the use of new technology to ensure efficient andeffective delivery of services toresidents.
* To directlymanage relevant operational staff as well as occasional projectstaff and consultants. Monitor the safeguarding responsibilitiesperformance and training of the team members that are under theline management of thispost.
* Toensure that staff are recruited managed appraised and developed andthat effective arrangements are made for the training anddevelopment of all staff within the department to meet serviceneeds and to provide equality of opportunity for allemployees.
* Tokeep abreast of new technology and market development within theAdult social Caresector.
* Toutilise identify and explore opportunities for technology to beused to support improved / more efficient servicedelivery.
* To presenttimely and relevant advice and information to Members and to ensurethat Group Leaders are briefed on major and sensitiveissues.
* Todeal promptly with all matters requiring the post holder s personalattention.
* Tobe fully conversant with relevant statutory provisions and theCouncil s constitution processes and procedures; to develop thefull range of managerial and professional skills and knowledge tosatisfy the requirements of thepost.
* Toestablish and develop effective working relationships andproductive partnerships with all the relevant partners includingthose in education health social services Independent and voluntarysectors.
* Experienceof working at a senior level in anorganisation.
* Significantexperience in a management role with direct responsibility forinformation systems and / or social work recordingpractice.
* Experienceof leading the successful implementation of substantial changeprogrammes and / or complex service developments in the publicsector.
* Aprofessional qualification in an area relevant to the post such asmanagement projects or programme management ICT or socialwork.
* Buildssuccessful working relationships with colleagues and partnersacross the Council partner agencies central government and otherlocalauthorities.
* Experienceof commissioning providers to devise and develop integrated systemswhich will impact on partners andclients.
* Createsa safe responsive and open working environment in which staff areequipped motivated and empowered to deliver excellent resultsthrough effective teamwork development feedback andrecognition.
* Possessesa detailed understanding of Local Authority workflowfunctions.
* Experienceof working with the Liquid Logic (supplier) and itsproducts.
* Possessesa detailed understanding of data protection principles andlegislation and best practice in data security information andrecords management and their application in the Adult SocialServicessetting.
* Ableto manage number of complex projects and initiatives concurrentlyat all times keeping overall objectives in mind retainingobjectivity and prioritising tasks strategically when underpressure.
* Knowledgeableof project management frameworks and relevant tools andtechniques
* Ableto apply techniques of business process mapping and businessprocess reengineering to analyse service needs and deliverimprovements to workingpractices.
* Possessesexcellent written communication skills including the ability towrite clear policy and proceduraldocuments.
* Ableto work with complex ideas and data and to communicate them to avariety ofaudiences.
* Canevidence strong influencing and negotiating skills with the abilityto persuade stakeholders at all levels especially seniormanagers.
* Knowledgeableof methods and techniques for negotiating the supply of servicesand managing delivery against agreed criteria and servicelevels.
* Has a strongtrack record of financial and resource management including theability to estimate resource requirements to a reasonable degree ofaccuracy.
Experience of working at a senior level in an organisation.Significant experience in a management role with directresponsibility for information systems and / or social workrecording practice. Experience of leading the successfulimplementation of substantial change programmes and / or complexservice developments in the public sector. A professionalqualification in an area relevant to the post, such as management,projects or programme management, ICT or social work. Buildssuccessful working relationships with colleagues and partnersacross the Council, partner agencies, central government and otherlocal authorities. Experience of commissioning providers to deviseand develop integrated systems which will impact on partners andclients. Creates a safe, responsive and open working environment inwhich staff are equipped, motivated and empowered to deliverexcellent results through effective teamwork, development, feedbackand recognition. Possesses a detailed understanding of LocalAuthority workflow functions. Experience of working with the LiquidLogic (supplier) and its products. Possesses a detailedunderstanding of data protection principles and legislation andbest practice in data security, information and records management,and their application in the Adult Social Services setting. Able tomanage number of complex projects and initiatives concurrently, atall times keeping overall objectives in mind, retaining objectivityand prioritising tasks strategically when under pressure.Knowledgeable of project management frameworks and relevant toolsand techniques Able to apply techniques of business process mappingand business process re-engineering to analyse service needs anddeliver improvements to working practices. Possesses excellentwritten communication skills, including the ability to write clearpolicy and procedural documents. Able to work with complex ideasand data and to communicate them to a variety of audiences. Canevidence strong influencing and negotiating skills, with theability to persuade stakeholders at all levels especially seniormanagers. Knowledgeable of methods and techniques for negotiatingthe supply of services and managing delivery against agreedcriteria and service levels. Has a strong track record of financialand resource management, including the ability to estimate resourcerequirements to a reasonable degree of accuracy.