CLINICAL Participate fully in the clinic rota for screening, diagnosis and treatment of outpatients presenting with STIs and other sexual healthconditions and provision of all methods of contraception. Provide clinical advice and support to multidisciplinary team working in ISH clinics. Review complex cases requiring senior input. To be competent in the management of under 18-year-olds and vulnerable adults working within Fraser Guidelines and mental capacityassessments. A suitably experienced candidate would also be able to participate in some of the other clinical sessions including genital dermatosesand other complex GUM presentations and patients attending for subdermal implants and intrauterine devices. Participate in the administrative tasks of the department, such as writing GP letters, completing the phone in lists and statutory codingand surveillance.TEACHING & TRAINING Contribute to training and development of the existing workforce to facilitate integration of contraceptive and sexual health services Contribute to the teaching and training of clinical staff at weekly educational meetings Provide training and support for medical students and GP registrars Ensure mandatory training is up to date as per trust policy.