Deputy Manager Location: Peterborough Hours: 40 hours per week – arranged according to the needs of the service and may include weekends and nights. Aims: to support the Registered Managers of The Beeches UK with all Aspects of their duties and responsibilities. Responsibilities and duties: • Participate in regular reflective practice both for yourself and other team members. Support the Registered Manager in the leadership and management of the home. Deputise and act up for Registered Manager in their absence. • Assist in managing the home in compliance with the ethos of The Beeches UK by providing an environment that enables each child and young person to reach their full potential. • Maintain in depth and up to date knowledge of the Children’s Homes regulations, Children’s Homes Quality Standards, Children’s Act and other relevant legislation and guidance. • Ensure the home operates in compliance with these • Be accountable to Ofsted. • Maintain a good understanding and working knowledge of children with autistic spectrum conditions, severe learning difficulties and behaviours that challenge. • Ensure the home provides a high standard of residential care. • Maintain a good working knowledge of child protection procedures and processes and ‘working together’ guidance. • Ensure that the line manager is made aware and kept fully informed of any concerns which the worker may have in relation to safeguarding and/or child protection. • Support in managing the children’s home staff team: recruit, induct, manage and supervise staff, monitor staff rotas and facilitate training to ensure high standards of childcare practices. • Represent the home to outside agencies and ensure compliance with the statutory requirements imposed by them. • Work with the wider management team to contribute to the planning and development of The Beeches UK. • Ensure that children and young people are consulted about their care and provided with opportunities to participate their views about the running of the home. • Ensure the health and safety of children, staff and visitors by complying with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. • Support in the development of relationships with all those involved in the young person’s life and other stakeholders and partner agencies who are engaged in providing packages of support. • Work flexible hours if required to meet the needs of the service and young people, which may involve working at short notice, public holidays and weekend working. • Support the Registered Manager to manage time and resources within the home including managing financial expenditure against budgets and ensuring recording is accurately completed. • Assist in ensuring the home provides a positive physical environment, with regard to design, comfort and homeliness as well as hygiene and cleanliness. • Contribute to the referral, assessment and admission procedures. Ensuring effective preplacement assessment of need and placement planning and ensure all relevant documents are obtained. • Support the Registered Manager in ensuring that all young people have written placement plans in place, setting out identified needs and plans to meet these needs. Ensure on-going assessment, development and review of all individual plans. • Assist in ensuring that provision is made to cater for the children’s and young people’s social, leisure, cultural and religious needs. • Assist in the promotion of education, physical health and emotional well-being of the young people. • Support and operate within a key worker system. • Protect the confidentiality of the children and young people and their families. • Ensure events, appointments or meetings are arranged, effectively timetabled, diarised and attended by the young person and/or appropriate staff or yourself. • Support the Registered Manager in ensuring recommendations or requirements from inspection reports and regulation 44 reports re acted upon. • Participate in staff training as required and support in the development and/or delivery of inhouse training. • Any other duties commensurate to the post. Experience Required: Responsibilities in a relevant residential care setting. Experience relevant to residential care. Experience or an understanding of line management/staff supervision. Experience of working within a multidisciplinary framework. Experience of working within Ofsted inspection framework. Knowledge: Maintain in -depth and up to date knowledge of the Chidren’s Homes regulations, Children’s Home Quality Standards, Children’s Acts and other relevant legislation and guidance. To be fully aware of and understand the duties and responsibilities arising from Child Protection legislation as this applies to the role within the organisation. Working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the range of professionals and agencies involved in supporting children and young people. An understanding of the needs of children with autistic spectrum conditions, severe learning difficulties and behaviours that challenge. An understanding and working knowledge of caring for and supporting looked after children. An understanding of and an ability to respond positively to the needs of young people from different racial, cultural and/or religious backgrounds. Skills: Direct care work skills with children and young people. Ability to assist in offering guidance, support and direction to staff; including implementing a key worker system, supervision and performance management. Assessment and placement planning skills, ie: ability to assess and identify needs and develop and deliver plans to meet these needs to achieve positive outcomes. Excellent administrative skills, including word processing and computer literacy, numeric and organisational skills. Excellent communication skills: verbal, interpersonal and written on all levels and according to need ie:, report writing, care planning attending reviews. Excellent financial and budgeting skills to manage the homes’ resources. An understanding of and an ability to adhere to professional boundaries. Excellent team work and team development skills. Good use of reflective practice. Abilities Ability to deputise and act up for the Registered Manager in their absence. To be able and prepared to work flexible hours when required to meet the needs of the service and young people, which may involve working at short notice, public holiday and weekend working. Ability to deal with difficult situations in relation to young people’s behaviour and human resource issues. General A commitment to the aims and purposes of Beeches UK Any other duties commensurate with the post