North Sedgemoor Primary Care Network Digital Transformation Job Description
Accountable to: PCN Clinical Director
Line Manager: Hattie Bradley, Primary Care Network Manager
Salary: Depending on experience, based on AfC up to 8a
Hours: Full Time / Part-Time
Title: North Sedgemoor Digital Transformation Lead
Location: North Sedgemoor Primary Care Networks is based in North Sedgemoor supporting five GP practices across a patient population of 50,000. This innovative forward-thinking PCN has decided to work together collaboratively to improve the quality of services and provision for their patients. This is a key role to scope and deliver digital solutions to increase efficiency and streamline the patient experience.
We are looking for an exceptional individual who will be committed to working as part of a high-performing organisation with a willingness to develop our workforce and encourage them to thrive. Highly motivated and with exceptional organisational skills, the successful candidate will benefit from being part of an established and forward-thinking team. This position is ideal for someone who enjoys juggling senior management, leadership, and business administration. The ideal candidate will be the type of character who thrives on establishing, leading, and managing our strategic, operational, financial, HR, communications and digital transformation plans.
Role Summary: Acting as Digital Transformation Lead for the PCN, liaising with practices and other stakeholders from across Somerset and supporting the adoption of new digital, data and technology opportunities and other initiatives to improve patient care. The successful candidate will enable PCN staff and practice teams to safely work more effectively using digital and data tools to support the sustainability of our service to patients and developing process, policies, and systems to deliver the above.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Improve adoption and/or optimisation of new technology to enhance patient access and experience and increase PCN productivity.
2. Build relationships and facilitate collaboration between practices and the wider system to support the delivery of care to patients (including shared appointments between practices to aid delivery of enhanced access).
3. Develop PCN services such as Community Investigation Hubs improving the pathway for referrals for investigations and services; Phlebotomy, ABPM, microsuction, ear irrigation, spirometry, FENO.
4. Lead an improvement approach to change including building capability for quality improvement within the PCN and system-wide approaches to problem solving.
5. Review and improve the PCN's digital maturity, lead the development of a PCN-wide digital, data and cyber strategy.
6. Develop use of social media to promote PCN activities and services; optimise use of existing tools; emis web, ardens manager, teamnet, C the Signs, Cloud telephony.
7. Support population health management.
8. Understand demand, capacity and activity.
9. Assist in the achievement of targets, use of Ardens Manager Platform.
10. Drive improvements in patient experiences of access and staff experience at work and develop best practice across the five surgeries.
11. Support training needs and support to practices.
12. Facilitate clinically led innovation and the effective adoption of improvement initiatives, including integrated working at neighbourhood and/or place level to improve access to services for patients.
13. Liaise with technology suppliers.
Leadership and Management:
1. Develop and maintain an in-depth understanding of the PCN digital infrastructure and business intelligence tools.
2. Procure and manage digital tools for the PCN which is aligned to a framework of fundamental principles and is affordable, offering high value.
3. Proactively project manage all digital projects and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
4. Ensure all initiatives are supported by a clinical champion and practice management.
5. Lead the development and implementation of digital transformation bids.
6. Ensure all staff receive training on the digital tools within the PCN.
7. Ensure the induction of all new members of staff receive training and resources on tools available.
8. Ensure all initiatives are fully scoped and underpinned by a quality improvement methodology.
9. Remain up to date with the national and local PCN guidance.
1. Forge close working relationships with member practices across the PCN.
2. Communicate, engage and build relationships with key strategic policy makers to influence the development of strategy and policies.
3. Identify and develop relationships with practice staff, private providers, the local primary care team, neighbouring PCNs and other key partners to enable good working relationships and promote and share best practice.
4. Deliver technical information in a non-technical and engaging way to a range of stakeholders.
5. Communicate the vision for the PCN and support the development of strategy and operational policies that support this vision.
Analysis and Service Improvements:
1. Responsible for the delivery of robust information systems to ensure that all project documentation is stored and used effectively (dashboards, highlight reports, risk and issues logs etc).
2. Develop programme and project management tools, reports and templates that are transferable between projects and can be used for the project lifetime, from design to benefits realisation.
3. Involve the public and patients in the policy development and decision-making.
4. Interrogate and analyse information to support the delivery of clear project reporting and project outcomes.
5. Write, submit and communicate regular high-level project reports for the PCN board, showing progress against milestones, status, resource requirements, issues, risks and dependencies, making recommendations where appropriate.
6. Enable practices to meet key performance indicators and milestones for specific programmes and projects, managing conflicts and ensuring that inter-dependencies are managed effectively.
Equality and Diversity:
The post-holder will support the equality, diversity and rights of patients, carers and colleagues by:
1. Acting in a way that recognises the importance of peoples rights, interpreting them in a way that is consistent with practice procedures, policies, and current legislation.
2. Respecting the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefs of patients, carers and colleagues.
3. Behaving in a manner which is welcoming.
4. Behaving in a manner that is non-judgmental and respects circumstances, feelings, priorities and rights.
Job Description Agreement: This Job Description is flexible, and the post holder will be expected to undertake any other duties appropriate to the role and grade as may be required by the PCN. This job description is subject to change from time to time in line with organisational need and the post holder's agreement should not unreasonably be denied.