To deal courteously and helpfully with patients and any member of the public who may visit or telephone the surgery. To be fully conversant with any surgery protocols and policies that affects the reception team. To sign post patients to the most appropriate service or healthcare professional. To answer phone calls and signpost calls as appropriate. To understand the patient self arrival process. To make appointments for consultations, clinics, representatives or other visitors and to have accurate understanding with the booking arrangements for each clinician and the nursing team. To understand the booking in procedure for visitors to the practice (i.e., completion of Visitor Log, issue of Visitor Badges, signing out etc.) To be familiar with the methods employed in dealing with emergency, urgent, and temporary patients. To be able to generate repeat prescriptions, pass to relevant doctor and ensure that the signed prescriptions are sent to the patients nominated pharmacy. To follow the surgery protocol for listing all visits and telephone consultations on the clinical system. To always maintain a tidy efficient office area with the aim of maximising efficiency. To ensure that the surgery is opened and made ready for patients each day and waiting rooms and external doors are locked and any PCs are shutdown at the end of the working day. To ensure that the reception area is stocked with the necessary forms, stationery and equipment. To follow the surgery protocol for listing all visits and printing visit summary requests. Actioning appropriate tasks and forwarding to relevant staff. Provide general administrative assistance to the practice team and project a positive and friendly image to patients and other visitors, either in person or via the telephone. Other appropriate duties consistent with the nature and grading of the post which may be allocated, as the situation dictates at the request of the Partners, Practice Manager, Deputy Practice Manager or Administration Manager.