Applications are invited from candidates with UK-settled (home) status for a fully-funded 3.5-year PhD studentship in solid-state quantum optics under the supervision of Dr Jonathan Breeze in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, UK. The project involves the development and application of diamond masers [1], solid-state quantum optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics [2]. The maser was the microwave progenitor of the now ubiquitous laser but was hampered in its development by the need for cryogenic refrigeration and high vacuum systems. Despite this it found application in deep-space communications and radio astronomy due to its unparalleled low-noise when used as an amplifier. UCL recently demonstrated a diamond maser – the first continuous-wave room-temperature solid-state maser using engineered quantum defects in synthetic diamond. These defects, known as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres can serve as solid-state quantum bits (qubits) for quantum information processing, quantum optics and quantum sensing. Diamond masers could find application in a diverse array of field, from magnetic resonance imaging, quantum sensing, quantum computing, communications, security and metrology. The project will use experimental techniques such as pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) to characterise spin-defects in candidate materials and apply theoretical techniques from quantum optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics to describe their behaviour when coupled to microwave photons. In addition to working in Dr Breeze’s group at UCL you will also be be collaborating with groups in the UK, Germany, Italy and the USA. You will also have the opportunity to be involved in the new UK quantum research hub in Quantum Biosensing [3]. This project would suit a highly motivated student in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry or Materials Science with a good mix of experimental, theoretical and computational capabilities who enjoys designing and building theory-led experiments. Being proficient in Python programming and an aptitude for quantum theory, electronics or instrumentation would be beneficial. We welcome individuals with a passion for discovery and a drive to conduct ground-breaking research in a new, yet growing research group. A tax-free stipend will be provided (£22,410 in the first year) with home (UK) fees covered. Please note that owing to funding restrictions beyond the supervisor’s control, this PhD studentship is open to UK citizens or EU citizens with UK (pre-)settled status only. Submission deadline: 10 January 2025 Enquiries regarding the studentship can be made to: Jonathan Breeze ( ). [1] J.D. Breeze et al, Nature, 555, pp. 493–496 (2018) [2] J.D. Breeze et al, npj Quantum Information, 3, 40 (2017) [3] A tax-free stipend will be provided (£22,410 in the first year) with home (UK) fees covered