Take responsibility for management of all adult cardiology patients in all its aspects in conjunction with community services and the regional centres. Improve the flow of patients at MKUH by regular liaison with the physicians facilitating investigations including cardiac imaging, coronary angiography, PCI and pacemaker implantation and appropriate management of cardiac referrals. Lead 1-2 Cath Lab sessions at MKUH and 2 at OUH implanting pacemakers. S/he will lead the local Pacing Service including the Complex Device Follow Up clinic. Provide acute and elective care for Cardiology patients, including the provision of a cardiac in-reach service, triage of referrals from Primary Care and response to Advice & Guidance requests from GP. Participate in the Consultant of the Week Rota Support with service developments and improvements to allow the service to continue to grow and meet the needs of the growing local population. Support and ensure Governance within the service to ensure patient safety is maintained and incidents are raised early and investigated properly.