Thank you for your interest in working for Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT)!
This is a talent pool advert for Band 3 Bank Healthcare Assistants/Healthcare Support Workers only.
What is a talent pool?
A talent pool is an advert where you can sign up and register your interest in working for LPT.
We may not be actively recruiting to the above position right now but by registering to this talent pool, we can reach out to you when we are.
What do you need to do?
Complete a quick application to register your interest by clicking on "Apply for job"
What happens next?
We will be in touch with you via email with:
* Information about LPT
* A link to our vacancies when we are next recruiting
* Signposting any other opportunities that may be of interest to you
Please note that this is not a vacancy. So your application for the talent pool will not result in an interview.
However, you can apply for our live vacancies at any time by following this link:
About Us
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) provides high quality integrated mental health services, learning disability and community health services for people of all ages.
LPT serves a population of around 1.1 million, and has a turnover of just over £350 million.
We employ more than 6,500 people as nurses, healthcare assistants, doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, health visitors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, administrators, secretaries, managers, accountants, apprentices and more.
Our clinical services are grouped into community health services, mental health services, and family, young people and children’s services and learning disability and autism services. We operate across the city of Leicester and the counties of Leicestershire and Rutland, delivering care in a wide range of settings including hospital wards, outpatient clinics, and patients’ own homes.