To carry out initial screening and triage, and develop and implement treatment within the field of dual diagnosis (mental health and substance use/misuse) for service users identified as potentially having a dual diagnosis within NLFS. To carry out substance misuse assessments, as appropriate To provide one to one sessions with service users, ensuring that care and recovery planning in relation to Substance misuse is conducted on an individual basis according to the specific needs of the service user. To communicate highly sensitive information requiring the development of persuasive or re-assurance skills to service users and colleagues. To establish, sustain and disengage from therapeutic relationships with individuals. To interact and co-operate with service users, relatives, and other professionals within NLFS and any community services as appropriate. To have professional responsibility for promoting equality, diversity, and rights. To work closely with ward-based nursing teams and multidisciplinary teams to support the implementation of substance misuse care plans To design, implement and monitor treatment plans with service users that address their needs in relation to mental health and substance misuse problems. To assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to service users and/or others. To educate and give information to service users and others in the care of the client on issues related to mental health problems and substance misuse. To support service users to engage in interventions aimed at addressing their substance misuse difficulties. To deliver structured psychosocial interventions including harm reduction/minimization strategies, motivational interviewing, CBT programmes, problem solving,behavioural interventions and counselling techniques as negotiated with individual service users. To co-facilitate and support the delivery of group programmes throughout NLFS in-patient services and within the community. To understand the rationale for UDS (urine drug screening), Ion tracker screening and breath alcohol testing and support such testing as necessary. To actively participate in CPA meetings, professionals meeting, case review meetings and also advising others regarding management of cases.