Head of Technical Services, Lucius Beebe Memorial Library (Wakefield)
This position encompasses direction of all aspects of Technical Services including acquisitions, cataloging, and processing; administration of the library’s computer network that includes Evergreen ILS; and contributes to collection development, Reference Desk service, and library website maintenance.
As part of the library’s leadership team, you will lead initiatives and manage projects.
MLS. Strong interest and demonstrable skills in technology and organization. A successful candidate will enjoy learning and be detail-oriented.
Full/Part Time
Full Time
Salary Range
$38.44- $44.61/hour
Salary Notes
in eight steps. 35.5 hr. week.
Closing Date
Open until filled
How to Apply
Resume and letter of application to cmcdonald@noblenet.org
Catherine McDonald, Library Director
Lucius Beebe Memorial Library
345 Main St.
Wakefield MA 01880