To ensure that the details of all new overseas visitors are correctly recorded on trust and local systems. To ensure all data and documentation in relation to overseas visitors is up to date and safeguarded in accordance with Trust policies. To record all charges received from departments relating to overseas patients' services and enter on to the DWP Portal system. To deputise as necessary for the Overseas Visitor Manager in his/her absence. To plan and prioritise work in conjunction with the other members of the team, dependent upon changing circumstances during each day. To work with and manage relations with clinicians and other staff with regard to the identification of overseas visitors. To demonstrate judgement skills when dealing with urgent issues with reference to escalation processes within the finance department. To ensure that the Overseas Visitors Policy is adhered to and any non-compliance issues in respect of routes of admission are raised to the Overseas Visitors Manager and the appropriate divisional manager. To train Trust staff in the application of this policy and if appropriate update training resources and disseminate to staff. To ensure staff are aware of departmental procedures and Standing Financial Instructions in all matters relating to overseas visitors. Identify own training and development needs and undertake appropriate training/education as required. Participate in an annual individual performance review process where objectives will be agreed, performance monitored and personal development needs discussed. 23. To attend all statutory and mandatory training as and when required to do so. Act responsibly in respect of colleague's health, safety and welfare following safe work practices and complying with the Trust's Health and Safety Policies. Adhere to all Trust Policies as applicable. This job description is not intended to limit the scope and extent of the job to be undertaken and will be subject to review and alteration as necessary, following discussion with the post holder.