Job responsibilities More generally, the postholder will: Work with SEL leads, including key stakeholders in the six boroughs, clinical and managerial and across commissioners and providers, including subject matter experts, to ensure an effective and robust forward LTC strategy that helps deliver the ICS Community Based Care priorities and key LTC strategy priorities within the Joint Forward Plan Support the development of annual commissioning intentions for LTC services across SEL, that reflects our SEL strategy and that supports the implementation of this strategy through setting out clear annual deliverables and outcomes. Ensure that in developing the ICBs LTC strategy and commissioning intentions that effective links are made to other key areas of commissioned activity, recognising that, in many instances, LTC needs and outcomes will be linked to other issues. Support the AD Long Term Conditions in the convening of the SEL LTC commissioning leads to ensure a joined up multi-disciplinary approach to the commissioning and contracting of LTC services Ensure the effective negotiation, monitoring and management of our stand along LTC contracts and to contribute to the negotiation, monitoring and management of LTC services within our wider service contracts. To lead on (or support) any relevant LTC procurement processes, relating to either existing LTC contracts or new national LTC-related implementation areas. Please see attached the job description and person specification for full details of the duties and responsibilities of the role.