Watermore Primary School is seeking a passionate Catering Manager to lead our enthusiastic catering team to deliver great quality food to our childrenWatermore Primary School is a two-form entry school located in the village of Frampton Cotterell between Bristol and Yate. We pride ourselves on fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for both staff and pupils. See attached job description and personal specification for further details.
Meal preparation and provision Preparing fully costed rotational menus for each term that optimise nutritional value and provide sufficient variety to suit all pupils, with due regard paid to relevant government requirements and guidance. Consulting with relevant stakeholders in the formulation of menus and seeking the approval of the SBL. Accounting for the personal dietary, nutritional needs and cultural diversity of pupils as required. Ensuring the provision of healthy snacks for each school day at break times and other times specified by the SBL, e.g. breakfast club. Ensuring that all food is labelled correctly and appropriately, especially regarding the presence of allergens, in line with Natasha’s Law. Overseeing food preparation and the quality assurance process, ensuring all food is handled and cooked correctly before being served. Providing catering for other events and functions, e.g. governing board meetings, open days, as directed by the SBL. Supervising and directing other catering staff in the preparation and provision of food, ensuring a high standard of work at all times. Instructing other catering staff in the correct provision of food, e.g. portion size, and monitoring this to identify any issues. Responding to any queries from pupils and other stakeholders regarding the food provided, e.g. nutritional information, allergens. Overseeing the implementation of the Whole-school Food Policy and any other relevant school procedures. Health and safety Ensuring the preparation and provision of food in a safe and hygienic environment with stringent standards upheld. Liaising with the Caretaker and cleaning staff to ensure sufficient cleaning procedures are in place for kitchen and dining areas. Ensuring that catering staff always wear the correct uniform and maintain high standards of personal hygiene to prevent the contamination of any food. Undertaking risk assessments as appropriate. Following first aid procedures for any accidents and reporting incidents in line with school procedures. Ensuring a suitable first aid box is accessible, stocked correctly and clearly identifiable within the catering area. Management of stock and equipment Maintaining a record of orders, invoices, receipts and returns in line with banking and reconciliation procedures to meet auditing requirements and ensure accountability. Ensuring stock is replenished and ordered in a timely manner, and checked and inspected upon arrival for quality assurance purposes. Managing any issues with stock, consulting other senior figures at the school where necessary. Overseeing other catering staff in the safe storage and rotation of stock, undertaking routine checks. Assessing suppliers’ prices regularly to ensure value for money is achieved with regard to the school budget, and suggesting alternatives to the SBL where appropriate. Ensuring appropriate security procedures are implemented and followed to protect stock and equipment. Ensuring catering staff are trained in the correct and safe use of catering equipment. Ensuring equipment is serviced in line with the manufacturer’s instructions, identifying maintenance issues and reporting these to the Caretaker promptly. Leadership Ensuring all catering staff have received appropriate food safety training and records are kept up-to-date. Assessing the training needs of other catering staff and monitoring performance. Identifying staffing needs and assisting with the recruitment process. Leading the induction procedure of all new catering staff. Devising a duty rota, with sufficient notice provided, for all catering staff. Managing staff attendance and absence and following disciplinary procedures where appropriate.Communication Creating, or assisting in the creation of, appropriate promotional and marketing materials to advertise the school’s catering service to pupils and parents. Ensuring pupils and parents are provided with sufficient information about the school’s catering service and know how to raise any queries Gathering feedback where appropriate from pupils and other stakeholders on the food served to identify successes and areas for improvement. Participating in meetings with other school staff and stakeholders and contributing where necessary.Additional duties Reading, understanding and having due regard for all relevant school policies as instructed during induction. Maintaining a professional curiosity within the school environment and being alert to any potential indicators of safeguarding issues, raising concerns with the DSL as appropriate in line with the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. Playing a key part in the delivery of the school’s values and ethos, leading by example. Undertaking CPD and attending any relevant training courses as directed by the SBL. Undertaking additional duties as reasonably directed by the SBL, similar to those outlined in this job description.