A formal job plan will be agreed between the successful candidate and their Clinical Director and consultant colleagues, on behalf of the Medical Director within 3 months of starting in post. A full-time job plan is based on a 10 PA working week. The job plan will be reviewed annually and is a prospective agreement that sets out the consultant's duties, responsibilities, and objectives for the coming year. It covers all aspects of a consultants professional practice including clinical work, teaching, research, education and managerial responsibilities. It will provide a clear schedule of commitments, both internal and external and will include personal objectives, detailing links to wider service improvements and trust strategic priorities. For a full-time contract, the job plan will be divided on average per week (pro-rata for a part time post) as: 7.5 Programmed Activities (PAs) of Direct Clinical Care - includes clinical activity, clinically related activity and predictable and unpredictable emergency work. Clinic templates are for 3.5 hours to allow 0.5 hours for additional clinic related admin (phone calls, time to admit from clinic) within the 1 PA allocated 2.5 Supporting Professional Activities (SPAs) - includes CPD, audit, teaching and research. 1.5 of these will be to support revalidation. The remaining are to be directed at Trust priorities and might include educational supervision, lead roles, and other activities to be reviewed annually as part of the job planning process. SPA time sufficient for quality assurance activities will be provided. Consultants may carry out a maximum of one SPA session off site at a time suited to their individual timetable and in keeping with the requirements of the activities. Direct Clinical Care PA time will be sufficient to deal with the clinical admin generated by inpatient, outpatient and endoscopic activity Out of Hours Activity - There will be a requirement to take part in an on call rota primarily for GI bleeds with a frequency of approximately 1 in 10. Weekend on call will require on site input on Saturday and Sunday mornings, as well as an on call from home to advise on other Gastroenterological cases emergencies at other The allocation of PAs is reviewed and may be subject to adjustment when a further diary exercise is undertaken or if the service demands a review of the team job plan.