2425-0409 Data Management services for New Homes Development programme, Phase 2 of 2
Opportunity Id: DN760074
Title: 2425-0409 Data Management services for New Homes Development programme, Phase 2 of 2
Categories: 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Description: Islington Council invites suitable expressions of interest from suppliers for this contract.
The requirement: A Data Management Consultant is required to deliver comprehensive Building Information Management services, achieving the Golden Thread of Information for the development projects for which this is applicable, as well as establishing and deploying a consistent data management approach for all other projects forming part of the New Homes Development programme over the next two years.
The service to be procured is divided into a number of separate sections depending on project type and work stage (please refer to scope of services document).
The overarching aim is to establish a compliant and consistent Data Management approach for the New Homes Development programme, which is fully compatible with software and tools that are currently in use / available within Islington Council.
The Islington Council New Homes Development (NHD) Technical Design Manager (and Technical Design Officer) will manage this appointment client side, but the Data Management Consultant will also be working closely with the NHD project managers, project design and consultant teams and contractors, and will be asked to occasionally present updates to the NHD senior leadership and to Islington Council internal stakeholders.
Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations or ‘TUPE’: Potential providers must be aware that TUPE may or may not apply. Further details will be available in the invitation to tender.
Contract period: The contract period will be for 24 months from an estimated start date March 2025 with option to extend up to a further six months.
Contract value: The estimated total value of this contract is £219,900 over the maximum 30 months. This is based on £109,950 per annum.
Award criteria: The contract will be awarded to the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations. MEAT for this contract is quality 70% and cost 30%. Tender submissions will be subject to minimum quality thresholds, further details will be provided in the procurement documents.
1. Cost: 30%
2. Quality: 70%
1. Proposed approach to meeting legal requirements 20%
2. Proposed approach to combining Data Management with business insights 20%
3. Proposed approach to utilising systems already in use within Islington Council 10%
4. Social Value 20%
Total: 100%
Tenderers should be aware that we reserve the right to hold interviews during the tender process. Interviews will be for verification/clarification purposes of the written submission.
We reserve the right to interview leading bidders.
Procurement process: As the value of this contract opportunity is above the threshold for wider advertising of the opportunity, a contract notice will be published on Find a Tender Service and Contracts Finder. This contract will be procured using the Open Procedure. The Open Procedure means that all bidders who successfully express an interest will automatically be invited to tender and have access to the tender documents. Those who submit a tender and meet the minimum requirements will have their full tender, method statements and pricing evaluated. The council reserves the right to award the contract based on the evaluation of initial tenders without negotiation where this offers value for money. The council reserves the right to not award the contract if the received tenders do not offer value for money.
Region(s) of supply: London
Keywords: Data management
Key dates
Estimated contract dates: Start date 05/04/2025 End date 31/03/2027
From 22/01/2025 12:00 to 21/02/2025 11:59