The Directors of Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust and the Governors of St. Michael's Catholic Academy and Our Lady & St. Bede's Catholic Academy are looking to appoint a passionate and committed Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages to teach across St. Michael’s (3 days per week) and Our Lady & St. Bede (2 days per week). We have strong expectations and an unswerving dedication to ensure that every student achieves their potential. We are seeking an innovative and highly motivated teacher to join us. Our Trust is a vibrant, forward thinking and Christ-centred place to work, and you would be a part of a strongly supportive staff team where everyone is encouraged to be the best that they can be.
The successful candidate will:
•Be able to teach MFL to KS3 and KS4
•Develop and sustain high quality teaching and learning throughout the subject area
•Demonstrate good pedagogy practice, sharing it within the department
•Ensure that the quality of lesson plans, the use of assessment and homework set are of the highest quality
•Support colleagues so that appropriate standards of behaviour are established and maintained
•Assist colleagues to ensure that all aspects of student achievement in MFL are monitored and evaluated and this information is used to inform priorities and targets for improvement. We welcome applications from ECTs and experienced teachers
To download an application pack, including, person specification
and application form, please visit our website:
or email a request to
Completed application forms should be returned to or
via post to: Mrs C. Humble, St Michael’s Catholic Academy, Beamish Road,
Billingham, TS23 3DX