Job summary
ClinicalNurse Specialist for CAMHS Eating Disorders - we are growing our EatingDisorder offer in North East Lincs CAMHS.These are exciting times and we are looking for someone with a passionfor working with Eating Disorders who can take an active lead in developing andembedding quality, evidence-based, professional care in the service. The postholder will work closely with the MDTto ensure young people receive the care and treatment they require to promotesafe physical and mental health. We havean established MDT and can offer a supportive and encouraging work environmentwhere the postholder will work collaboratively with Psychologists,Psychiatrists, Dietitian, Mental Health Practitioners and Support Workers.
Main duties of the job
The successful postholder will provide specialist advice, guidance,training, therapeutic support, and consultation as part of themutli-disciplinary team based withinNorth East Lincs CAMHS. They will holdtheir own caseload and forge close working relationships with our localpaediatric ward, CAMHS Inpatient Units and Local Adult Eating DisorderServices. This includes direct provisionto service users using governed psychological interventions, proactive physicalhealth care intervention and monitoring.Contributing to formulation of service users need and creating evidencebased plans of care. Consultation toteam colleagues and external health and care professionals working with peoplewith eating disorders, contributing to service development, evaluation andquality improvement initiatives for the support of children and young peoplewith disordered eating.
About us
Weare Navigo. We look after North East Lincolnshire's mental health andwell-being, an award-winning social enterprise that provides mental healthservices to the NHS and beyond.
Thewhole basis of our work is to deliver services that we would be happy for ourown family to use.
Weoffer a range of mental health services, including acute and communityfacilities as well as specialist support such as outstanding older adultsinpatient services, rehabilitation and recovery community mental health and anoutstanding specialist eating disorder facility.
Rankedas one of the top UK companies to work for, we feature in the Best Companiestop 100 large company list.
Asa social enterprise, we do things a little bit differently and have alsodeveloped income-generating commercially viable businesses that providetraining, education and employment opportunities including Grimsby GardenCentre.
Workingat Navigo is not like working anywhere else. Lots of places say that, but wereally mean it.
Welike to work with forward-thinking people who want to make a difference.
Comeand Join us !
Pleasenote: Whilst we value all applications, if we believe an application to be AIgenerated, we will use a checking tool and may reject any application that hasbeen automatically generated.
Shouldyou require any assistance in completing this application due to a disabilityor other needs please contact
Job description
Job responsibilities
Main Duties / Responsibilities
Provide aquality highly specialist service to people (and their families/carers)referred to Young Minds Matter eating disorder pathway.
Promote thereputation of the service and the development of the eating disorder pathwaywithin Community CAMHS.
Providehighly specialist assessment and intervention for complex mental health needsand to work autonomously within professional guidelines and exercise systematicgovernance of practice within the service.
Providetimely response, in line with the eating disorder access and waiting timestandards, according to urgency of need.
Manage adefined caseload, using evidence based/patient centred practice to assess,plan, implement and evaluate interventions.
Act as acare co-ordinator for complex cases.
Work as amember of a multidisciplinary team, providing advice to the multidisciplinaryteam as required.
Lead on thepromotion of health education and health monitoring, including bloods and ECG,reviewing results and liaising with Medics where indicated in line with MEEDguidance and within your scope of practice.
Work closelyand in collaboration with our local Paediatric Ward, Local CAMHS Inpatient Unitand Local Adult eating disorder services to ensure the best possible care andoutcomes are achieved for Children and Young People and that services developin line with local picture and need.
Contributeto the proposal, development and implementation of policy and procedures forthe eating disorder pathway.
Undertakeaudit, service evaluation and contribute to policy and service developmentpertaining to the requirements with service processes including demand andcapacity for different types of initial assessment.
Attendclinical service meetings where required to represent eating disorder pathway.
Chair bothclinical and non-clinical meetings as required.
Supervisejunior staff and support development.
Organiseclinical supervision and lead on service developments within your scope ofpractice.
Develop andprovide training for stakeholders and other organisations.
Participatein all clinical governance and audit developments including post registrationeducation, training and continuing professional development.
Work inaccordance with relevant childcare, health legislation and professionalstandards in partnership with wider childrens services and to engage fullywith Safeguarding, Early Help and other processes which requires workingtogether with other agencies.
Proactivelyinvolve young people and families in service development including usingservice questionnaires to obtain structured feedback.
EmpowerService Users and their families/carers to influence and use availableservices, information and skills and act as an advocate where appropriate.
Person Specification
1. Highly developed specialist knowledge - underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experience of working with service users presenting with an eating disorder.
2. Comprehensive knowledge of clinical/risk assessment and understanding of Information Governance principles
3. Post registration experience of working with eating disorders or within ED setting.
4. Experience of delivering physical health monitoring clinics as required with regards to MEED guidance
5. Registered mental health nurse (RNMH) or RCN or RN with significant relevant eating disorder experience.
6. Qualification or training specific to the management of eating disorders and their comorbidities.
7. Mentorship or similar qualification in supporting students in practice.