Llys Elian is a 27 bedded residential home for older people living with Dementia, there are three permanent living houses, one respite house and a day centre.
If you are empathetic, and passionate about delivering excellent care - we would like to hear from you as we are looking to appoint a committed and enthusiastic person to work within our residential home on a casual basis
Your role will be to offer practical and emotional support to individuals with all aspects of daily living tasks such as personal care, maintaining independence, administering medication, hobbies and life skills.
Training will be given, and some hours worked will be at an enhanced hourly rate.
You will be expected to be a good communicator and will be involved in communicating with a variety of people from individuals receiving services, family’s and friends as well as other care professionals such as GP’s and Social workers.
You will be expected to work as part of a team to maintain and improve individuals wellbeing – reporting concerns to senior staff and managers.
The ability to communicate in English is essential, and communicate with individuals at ease in Welsh is desirable; the ability to write in English is essential and desirable in Welsh.
You will be required to undertake a Disclosure check by the Disclosure & Barring Service.
Mae Llys Elian yn gartref preswyl 27 gwely ar gyfer pobl hyn sydd yn byw gyda Dementia, mae yna dri thŷ ar gyfer byw ynddynt yn barhaol ac un tŷ gofal seibiant a chanolfan ddydd.
Os yr ydych chi yn empathetig, ac yn angerddol am ddarparu gofal rhagorol – mi fuaswn yn hoffi clywed gannddoch oherwydd rydym yn dymuno penodi unigolyn ymroddedig a brwdfrydig i weithio yn ein cartref preswyl ar termau achlysurol
Eich gwaith fydd cynnig cefnogaeth ymarferol ac emosiynol i unigolion ar bob agwedd o dasgau bywyd ddydd i ddydd fel gofal personol, cynnal annibyniaeth, rhoi meddyginiaeth, a diddordebau a sgiliau bywyd.
Rhoddir hyfforddiant a bydd rhai oriau gwaith yn dennu tâl uwch fesul awr.
Bydd disgwyl i chi fod yn gyfathrebwr da a byddwch yn cyfathrebu gydag amryw o bobl or unigolion sydd yn derbyn gwasanaeth, teuluoedd a ffrindiau yn ogystal â gweithwyr gofal proffesiynol eraill fel Meddygon Teulu a Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol.
Bydd disgwyl i chi weithio mewn tîm i gynnal a gwella lles unigolion – rhoi gwybod i staff uwch a rheolwyr am unrhyw bryderon.
Mae’r gallu i gyfathrebu yn Saesneg yn hanfodol; a chyfarthebu yn gyfforddus hefo unigolion yn y Gymraeg yn ddymunol, mae’r gallu i ysgrifennu’n Saesneg yn hanfodol ac yn ddymunol yn Gymraeg.
Bydd gofyn i chi ymgymryd â gwiriad Datgelu gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .