JOB TITLE: FOOD AND BEVERAGE HOST Hours: 35hrs per week TO WHOM RESPONSIBLE: HEAD CHEF OBJECTIVE OF THE HOME: Our objective in Towell House Residential Home is to establish a loving and caring environment with a homely atmosphere and to provide personal care to individual residents of the highest possible standard. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: The post holder will be expected to work with integrity, honesty, openness, accountability and respect. Be aware of issues relating to information and clinical governance, Human rights, health and safety and welfare of residents and colleagues. The post holder will assist with orientation and introduction of new staff members to the home, promoting and taking part in a culture of continuous service improvement. Communicate effectively and maintain productive working relationships with the team and each other. FUNCTION: The Food and Beverage Host is responsible for the cleanliness of the dining room and of all equipment, cleaning materials and liquids used in the dining room. He/she is also responsible for the cleanliness of cutlery, crockery and glass ware to be used by residents ensuring it is clean when leaving the kitchen before use by residents. He/she will prepare the dining room for all mealtimes with all condiments, cutlery and any other items required. He or she will be responsible for creating a warm and friendly ambience in the dining room, greeting residents, attending to their individual needs and requests. The Food and Beverage Host will liaise with Senior Care Staff regarding Residents needs or changes in needs. This also includes any dietary issues or residents who may have swallowing difficulties and are open to the Speech and Language Team. MAJOR DUTIES: 1. Ensuring that all liquids and cleaning materials are locked away at all times unless in use. 2. Undertaking general cleaning of all areas within the dining room in between each mealtime sitting. 3. Assisting in the preparation of all additional food stuffs for the residents. Providing condiments relevant to the menu for the day and observing the personal preference of residents. 4. Collecting menu preference and offering choice of nutrition. Assisting in the service and delivery of all meals according to the request of the individual resident. Being aware of individual residents like and dislikes. 5. Observing the correct use and care of equipment. 6. Maintaining records of residents daily food and fluid intake if required and monitoring wastage. Reporting any concerns about residents nutrition to the relevant Team Leader/Senior Care Assistant. 7. Reporting any breakdowns or defects in machinery or materials to the Head Chef/Executive Chef 8. Observing high standards of food hygiene practices. 9. Reporting any accident/incident which may occur. 10. Observing good safety practices at all times. 11. Knowing and understanding the homes policies and procedures. 12. Conforming with the Homes uniform policy at all times. 13. Participating in staff induction and training in order to maintain the highest level of service to all residents. 14. Attend staff meetings when required. 15. Assisting in other areas of the home as required by Management. Essential: 1. Candidate must be resident in the UK with the right to work. 2. Excellent Literacy and numeracy skills 3. Ability to remain calm in stressful situations. 4. Genuine interest in working within a caring environment. 5. Excellent communication skills. 6. Team player. Desirable: 1. Up to date records of mandatory training. 2. Previous experience of working in a care setting All employees of the Towell House Residential Home are legally responsible for all records held, created or used as part of their duties within the home to include resident, corporate and administration records whether paper-based or electronic. All such records are public and are accessible to the general public, with limited exceptions, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Data Protection Act 1998. Employees are required to be up to date with the homes policy and procedures on records management and to seek advice if in doubt. This Job Description Will Be Subject to Review In The Light Of Changing Circumstances And May Include Any Other Duties And Responsibilities As May Be Determined In Consultation With The Job Holder. It Is Not Intended To Be Rigid Or Inflexible But Should Be Regarded As Providing Guidelines Within Which The Individual Works. CVs NOT ACCEPTED TOWELL HOUSE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER As Regulated Facility Applicants Should Be Aware An Enhanced Access Ni Check Is Required For This Post. Applicants Should Also Be Aware A Trace On Your Access Ni Check Does Not Necessarily Disbar From Employment. Each Case Is Assessed Individually. Towell House has a written policy on the Secure Handling, Use, Storage and Retention of Disclosure information. This is available on request from Towell House. The Towell Building Trust Ltd has a written policy on the recruitment of ex- offenders. This is available on request from Towell House Skills: Excellent Literacy and numeracy skills Ability to remain calm in stressful situations excellent communication skills Benefits: Westfield Foresight Health Cash Plan No time deduction for meal breaks Free Uniform Annual bonuses x 3 Fantastic induction process Career Opportunities leading to Senior Management Care, domestic & kitchen staff have 6.6 weeks A/L