1. Direct management responsibility managing specialist nurses, dental nurses, apprentice dental nurses, and support staff.
2. Ensure supportive staff management arrangements are in place and carry out personal development reviews for direct reports.
3. Implement and monitor departmental policies, acknowledging any health and safety and risk management issues from dental staff.
4. Take part in clinical governance and operational activities and comply with standards set for the dental service as part of quality assurance.
5. Chair dental nurse meetings and participate in special projects as identified at the clinical governance group.
6. Ensure regular maintenance of estate, facilities, and equipment where service delivery takes place.
7. Arrange and carry out, where appropriate with the dental service manager, clinic visits for health and safety and risk assessment.
8. Implement trust health and safety policies and represent the service at health and safety meetings including responsibility for COSHH regulations.
9. Responsible for the ordering of equipment and stock ensuring efficient control of levels within one locality, vetting all orders.
10. Support clinical staff to uphold best practices in infection control, providing a clean environment for care, and ensuring that patients are treated with dignity and respect.
11. Prepare a weekly staffing programme with responsibility for coordinating and monitoring annual leave, study leave, travel claims, time-in-lieu including programming staff to ensure clinics are covered.