1. To support the delivery of agreed plans of care ensuring that service users are supported safely and individual needs and service targets are met. The quality and standard of care must meet CQC fundamental standards.
2. To support clients with their personal care as determined within their individual care plan. Personal care can include supporting service users undertake activities such as dressing, washing, bathing or shaving, toileting, getting in or out of bed, eating, drinking, taking medication and communicating.
3. Postholders are required to be involved in monitoring the progress of service users, being mindful of triggers for challenging behaviour, seizures and acting appropriately in line with agreed guidelines and to highlight any changes in an individual’s behaviour to the manager so that the support plans can be updated.
4. To provide support for individuals who may regularly place emotional demands on the jobholder; and raising significant issues to the manager.
5. The activities and support undertaken by care workers should have a direct impact on the positive well-being of individuals. Therefore, postholders will work with senior officers to ensure that activities motivate and interest service users and provide a positive experience. As such they will contribute to the planning of daily activities and risk assessments.
6. Postholders will attend and contribute positively to meetings as requested by the manager providing input by sharing the outcome of interactions with service users and highlighting issues that may have an impact on the review of the service user’s case.
7. To ensure the accurate administration and recording of medication, including rescue medication, in line with the Councils Medication policy. Postholders will need to ensure that agreed protocols are followed when supporting an individual’s personal care such as peg feeding, postural care, changing stoma bags, buccal suction, medication via a peg etc.