Winchester College seeks to appoint a Teacher of Classics from September 2025.
Winchester College wishes to recruit someone to join its enthusiastic, friendly and energetic Classics department. An ability to teach Latin to A-Level is essential, and Greek and/or Ancient History is highly desirable. We are looking for someone with an excellent familiarity with Classics in all its variety, a great love for the subject, and an ability to inspire enthusiasm in others. We value reliability, strong organisational skills, and careful planning and preparation. We would particularly welcome someone who has a passion for Classics outreach work.
Should you be appointed, you would be joining a department of nine teachers. Classics at Winchester is a flagship department: Latin is a popular subject, with almost two-thirds of pupils choosing Latin GCSE, and 12-20 per year in the sixth form; Greek usually attracts 15-30 a year in the lower school and 4-16 for A-level (plus 2-8 for ab initio AS Greek); 5-12 pupils per year go on to study classical subjects at university (many at Oxbridge). You would be joining the department at a particularly exciting time: the recent introduction of A-level Ancient History is helping us provide a broader classical education which is appealing to new audiences; the expansion of the sixth form is enriching our sets with excellent new boys and girls; promising Classics outreach initiatives (including a weekly Greek club for local pupils) are enabling us to spread the good news about the ancient world more widely and to make even better use of our fantastic classical collections.
How to apply
Closing date for applications: 11:59pm on Sunday 16 March.
Please attach a full CV and covering letter with your application.
Please note that applications will be dealt with as they arrive. Winchester College reserves the right to appoint before the deadline passes.