Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies
Location: Aston University Main Campus
Salary: £65,632 to £101,647 per annum
Grade: Band 01
Contract Type: Permanent
Basis: Full Time
Closing Date: 23.59 hours BST on Thursday 01 May 2025
Interview Date: To be confirmed
Reference: 0012-25
Release Date: Friday 31 January 2025
The Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AiPT) is one of the largest photonics research centres in the UK. It was founded on the unique combination of advanced fibre grating based devices with state-of-the-art optical communications research and has a proud track record of exploiting non-linear effects, from solitons to the nonlinear Fourier transform and from nonlinear optical loop mirrors to parametric amplification. Today AiPT pursues a diverse range of device and system-level topics at the leading edge of technology, including high-speed optical transmission, free space communications, signal processing, ultra-wide-band amplification, nonlinear photonics, fibre grating technology, fibre lasers, bio- and medical photonics, various fibre optic sensing applications, optical materials processing and nano-photonic materials.
As the successful applicant, you will join the established Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, currently comprising several key internationally renowned research groups including Optical Communications, Nonlinear Photonics, Optical Sensing, Nanoscale Photonics and Bio-medical photonics. You will develop an independent and sustainable research programme and will demonstrate that your unique capabilities offer synergies with, and collaborative opportunities for, existing AiPT groups, and opportunities to develop new research fields and technologies. You will have a background commensurate with appointment as a Professor of Photonics including strong and productive track records of:
* high quality international publications
* invited and keynote presentations
* productive research collaborations over all geographic scales
* technology commercialisation, including intellectual property, with demonstrable impact
* strong and fruitful engagement between industry and academia
* maintenance of a portfolio of income sufficient to maintain a productive team
* development and implementation of research strategy
* contribution to relevant professional bodies
* participation in conference organisation for major conferences (>1000 attendees), development of topical conference series (>200 attendees) or equivalent activities demonstrating international prestige
* mentorship of ECRs, junior staff members and students of all levels
* nurturing an entrepreneurial culture amongst PGR, PDRAs, and academic staff
* management and leadership of an organisational unit encompassing multiple research leaders
* development of constructive and inclusive research environment
* development of new successful research related teaching programs
As the successful applicant, you will, within two years, develop your own sustainable research programme in Photonics or a closely related area, and will develop with the colleagues from AiPT new taught UG or PG programmes in communications, sensing, applied physics, or other programmes with links to Photonics with a particular focus on the needs of Aston’s stakeholders, or will integrate substantial teaching activities into appropriate existing programmes.
Shortlisted candidates will present a compelling research vision highlighting the synergies of pursuing their research programme at Aston University, the added value to their own research, and the potential regional impact of their proposed portfolio of research activities. While this position is open to any candidate with a track record in Photonics research, we would particularly welcome applications from candidates who wish to contribute to one of our existing research groups, or with substantial experience in one or more of the fields listed above.
Aston University is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. It promotes equality and diversity in all aspects of its work. We strive to have robust inclusivity strategies in place, including race and sexual orientation, to encourage colleagues to have the confidence and freedom to be themselves in the workplace.
We recognise the value of flexible working. Please contact the recruiting manager to discuss what flexible working options are available for particular roles.
If you require the job details document or an application form in an alternative format please contact the recruitment team at