To provide a personal clinical and professional contribution to the clinical pharmacy service within allocated or specific wards at an acute site(s).To ensure that there is compliance with medicines policy within allocated or specific wards at an acute site(s).To assist in the provision of advice on pharmaceutical matters and that pertaining to medicines management on a regular basis. Medicines management encompasses the selection, procurement, delivery, prescribing, supply, administration and review of medicines to optimise the contribution they make to produce informed and desired outcomes of patient care.To contribute to the day to day operational running of the pharmacy department e.g. by assuming statutory professional responsibility whilst working in the dispensary.To role model compassionate and inclusive leadership in order to shape the creation of a collective leadership culture within the trust. This means demonstrating a consistent leadership style which (a) engages, enables and empowers others (b) uses coaching to promote ownership of learning and quality improvement and (c) facilitates team working and collaboration within teams / departments and across organisational boundaries