The governors of Tiverton High School are working with the CEO and Trustees of Blackdown Education Partnership to find an exceptional individual with the skills and qualities to make a real difference to the pupils and staff at Tiverton High School. You will possess strong moral purpose, a vision for great education, an absolute commitment to ensuring the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils are front and centre of your ambition, and the drive and leadership qualities to deliver this. The Blackdown Education Partnership (BEP) has been named by the Regional Director as the preferred sponsor for Tiverton High School a process which we expect to be concluded for the new academic year. This means that the successful candidate will be joining a MAT with a track record of improving schools, an outstanding reputation locally and regionally and a team of talented and supportive colleague headteachers and Trust leaders. The Blackdown Education Partnership is a Trust of primary and secondary schools across both Somerset and Devon and Tiverton High, once it joins, will be one of four BEP schools in beautiful Mid-Devon. Every community deserves a great school, and we will do everything we can to support the successful candidate to take Tiverton High School on this transformational journey. This is an exciting opportunity but a challenging one and our pupils are looking for a Headteacher who can rise to this, build the community’s trust and confidence in their school and who will enable them to flourish academically, socially and personally. Please take time to read the whole pack, visit the school if you can, research the Trust and our strategic plan and attend an information session if you cannot visit in person or you still have questions. You are strongly urged to visit Tiverton High School prior to submitting an application, but we also understand if this is not possible and would not want it to be a barrier to applying. James Lamb, Acting Headteacher will be available to show prospective candidates around the school on selected dates. Additionally, we will also be holding two information sessions, with Lorraine Heath, CEO, over Teams where you can find out more about the school, the Trust and ask any questions about the post. CVs are not accepted, please complete the application form in full. If you can meet the requirements of this role we would love to hear from you. All applications should be made by completing the online application form via E-teach and include evidence of how you meet the person specification for the role. For full details of the role please see the job description and person specification within the application pack.