Assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating specialised programmes of care for urological patients with specific problems. This necessitates high levels of autonomy and advocacy, including skills for assessing and interpreting specialist patient conditions and initiating appropriate action. Demonstrating specialist knowledge, skills and innovative practice in their relevant specialist area. Promoting clinical excellence that reflects the trusts nursing strategy and business plan. Contributing to the development of specialist protocols, influencing policy making and clinical guidelines necessary to support the nurse specialist service at all levels. Influencing decisions regarding service delivery. Liaise closely with hospital services, other intermediate care services, social services and voluntary sector, to ensure a seamless service. Promoting the services provided by the trust through dissemination of specialist knowledge, both internally and externally, establishing robust networks. Provide a service in nurse led Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms including learning to perform digital rectal examination. Participate in specialist MDT and interact with other members of the core MDT including Pathway co-ordinator, navigator, and Macmillan support workers Manage and deliver care to patients undergoing intravesical bladder treatments Provide cover for existing specialist services as required.