Teacher of French needed for an excellent London secondary school, starting Easter 2025 or sooner if possible This vacancy would suit either a Newly Qualified Teacher (someone new to the profession) or an experienced French teacher. The school has an excellent reputation for helping both new teachers start their careers and more experienced teachers to develop and gain promotion. Equally, this vacancy for a French teacher would suit overseas qualified teachers. We offer a unique service to help with the practicalities of living in the UK, such as with accommodation if you need to re-locate (for within the UK as well as from overseas). Responsible Reliable Recruitment (RRR) is a recruitment specialist that puts teachers and schools first. As you would expect from RRR, we offer an excellent salary. The successful French teacher will be paid: 1. According to the National Pay Scale 2. The current salary can be seen the UK government’s website or using a search engine 3. Salary will be based on qualification and experience 4. The school is in the highest salary band, ‘Inner London Allowance’ 5. RRR makes no deductions whatsoever from your salary (other than those required by the UK Government (e.g., income tax) 6. The salary is reviewed annually by the UK Government with the intention of any increase coming into effect in September (the start of the academic year) 7. RRR pays the salary and any associated increase from the first day of your employment, or the day the salary increase is implemented. The school is very popular among the local community; parents are keen for their children to attend, so the school is expanding. This is a superb school to teach French in; students want to learn; they have a real thirst for knowledge. The school is very well-managed. Two strengths are the cooperation and collegiality among staff, and the clear and consistent expectations of students, for example in their behaviour. The school is well resourced. French lesson plans are in place for you to draw on, but you are encouraged to modify them to suit your own teaching style and personality. If this job isn't for you, but you know someone who may be interested, please introduce us to one another. If they are offered and accept the job, once s/he has completed two weeks' teaching, you will receive a £300 'thank you' gift in a currency of your choice