Panel MET Technician Required for a Repair Centre in Croydon
Salary DOE in the region of £45-55k basic + Bonus
Our Company has grown significantly over the last few years and with our continued success we are planning on further expansion. Due to this sustained growth we are looking for a passionate dynamic individual who is driven and would love to join our fast-paced team.
The Panel MET Technician is an integral part of our business, the main purpose of this role is;
* To ensure the repair of motor vehicles of all types is carried out to motor manufacturer industry standards or repair methods
* To carry out such work in an efficient, safe and economical manner, ensuring the integral quality of the vehicle and its safety is maintained
* To employ such knowledge and skills as may be required to restore vehicles to an industry recognised acceptable standard
Key Responsibilities
* To observe, recognise and report on vehicle structure and paintwork
* To ensure that vehicles comply with safety standards when returned to customers, or that faults have been reported and noted on the job card
* Removal and safe storage of vehicle components, fluids and gases as directed by work order
* Removal and safe disposal of vehicle components and fluids as directed by work order.
* Quality control of all repairs, with final stage sign off.
* To report all faults, defects noticed whilst working on vehicles not apparent before dismant...