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Hours of Work: Part time, 16hours per week
Responsible to: AcademyManager & Head of Sports Science and Medicine
Relationships and Contacts: AcademyMDT
Job Purpose: To develop anddeliver provision of psychological support.To helpplayer development and player performance through implementingpsychological interventions.To take responsibilityfor maintaining and improving provision of psychologicalsupport.To put together a framework that supportscollective and individualised approaches.
PersonSpecification Hold a Psychology degree at Masters Level, andbe accredited by the British Psychological Society and/or the BritishAssociation of Sports & Exercise Medicine.
Head ofAcademy Psychology Roles & Responsibilities:
* Complete the performance profiling of all Academy players.
* Design, clearly position and deliver practical interventions thatdevelops players ability to perform successfully on and off the pitch.
* Contribute where appropriate to the Academy departmentsusing evidence-based research and applied practice to enhance theposition, profile and understanding of Psychology.