A volunteer companion enables individuals with a caring responsibility for an adult with health needs to take some time away from their caring role.
The volunteer will spend time with the looked after person whilst their main carer is away. The role is a befriending role. You will not be expected to do any personal care or to give any medications.
All adults using the service will have one or more health needs/disability that have an impact on their day-to-day life. This may include dementia, Parkinson’s disease, heart or breathing difficulties such as COPD, mental health problems, stroke, learning disability, or a physical health need. The level of support required will therefore vary on a case-by-case basis, and we will only match you with someone you are comfortable volunteering with. Volunteers will be matched with a carer living in their local area, and travel expenses will be reimbursed.
1. To spend time with an adult with a health need and/or disability in their own home through regular visits.
2. Read and understand the policies relevant to a volunteer working with adults with health needs and/or disability.
3. Should you have any concerns during the befriending visit, report them and seek advice.