Specialities include; Ortho: Hands-on experience in trauma and electives, including Fast Track joint replacements. Focus on post-op care, patient assessments, and discharge planning while collaborating with the MDT for optimal recovery. A&E: Thrive in the fast-paced emergency dept., gaining skills in rapid assessments and early interventions. Work with medical teams to manage diverse conditions, ensuring timely and efficient care to minimise admissions. Older Persons: Enhance your skills in treating frail older adults with complex needs. The OPU offers insights into rehab, frailty management, and discharge planning to improve quality of life and independence. Stroke/Neuro: Immerse yourself in neuro rehab, assisting patients recovering from strokes and brain injuries. Develop rehab programs while focusing on upper limb management and cognitive assessments. Medicine: Treating patients with respiratory, cardio, gastroenterology, and diabetes management. Work with specialists to enhance quality of life. HOST (Hospital Outreach Support Team): Support the transition from hospital to home, collaborating with GPs and community services to prevent readmissions. Gain experience in problem-solving to help patients regain independence. Milford Hospital (Sub-Acute Rehab): Support patients needing extended care after acute hospitalisation. Become proficient in discharge planning and rehab techniques. Hand Therapy: Work alongside an established team of OTs and Physios treating and splinting patients with a wide range of conditions, following trauma and elective surgery.